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Colgan PFT

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I'm happy:)
May 28, 2003
For all you guys and gals out there bitchin' about the fact that a small private company is trying to find a way to get the books in the black, GET STUFFED.
Colgan is currently upgrading both SAAB and Beech FO's to Captain, and transition upgrades in the near future, and one of the main reasons they are able to do this is because of pay for training.
I still believe that Colgan has the shortest upgrade time in the regionals (just ask any Eagle pilots!) So hey, if you dont want to PFT go fly for someone else and when in three years you are thinking about upgrading in your RJ I will have my 1000hrs 121 pic and be waving bye bye;) ;) ;)
You Are High

I believe that you may be severely delusional.

What on earth makes you believe that you are more qualified with 1000 hrs PIC in a Beech 1900 than one of the over 12,000 furloughed major airline pilots industrywide with whome you're competing???

90% of those pilots all have well in excess of 1000 PIC turbine to go along with their FAR part 121 experience in transport category jets.

Look, I dont want to discount the experience you're gaining in your 1900. It is invaluable and it sounds like now you're getting the opportunity to fly with your favorite captain everyday. Thats great! There are a lot of us out there who are pretty jealous of you right now!

But please do two things for me.

#1. Be realistic in your career expectations.

#2. Be aware at the impact that Colgan's PFT will have on our profession.

Thanks and good luck.
Mungusaurus said:
I still believe that Colgan has the shortest upgrade time in the regionals (just ask any Eagle pilots!) So hey, if you dont want to PFT go fly for someone else and when in three years you are thinking about upgrading in your RJ I will have my 1000hrs 121 pic and be waving bye bye;) ;) ;)

That's cause everyone quits but it's not always to big jets. You got took!:D :D :D
Think Colgan has fastest upgrade?

We've got guys upgrading in the EMB for IAH that are 2 or 3 numbers from the bottom of the senioirity list. Several of the junior captains are former employees that got furloughed from a major and returned. Others are furloughees from other regionals and majors. We hire based on qualifications rather than checkbook balance or having rich parents. Upgrade mins are 2500TT and 1000 Pt 121 turbine crew.

Think you'll get hired by Jet Blue with nothing but some 1900 time? If so I have a bridge to sell you that isn't even too far away from JBlu HQ in Kew Gardens.

Here's the scoop on Jet Blue hiring straight from their website:

*Competitive hours can be significantly higher depending on the qualifications of the applicants in our system at any given time. We are currently seeing the following hours in candidates selected to interview:

Between 3,000 and 10,000 hours total time in airplanes
> 2,000 hours turbine PIC in jets
> 2,000 hours in airplanes over 20,000 lbs mtow
Experience with more sophisticated aircraft utilizing EFIS, FMS systems
Experience in the A320 family of airplanes (left or right seat)

Alaska Airlines? You probably won't be seen in SEA anytime soon with a little bit of 1900 time. There are too many guys with recommendations in hand that have military experience and 3000+ hours of Pt 121 time.

AirTran - Maybe, but from what I've seen on this board they seem to be looking more for guys with some jet time.

You probably weren't around the industry in the early or mid 90's but I can remember a friend of mine who got out of the Navy to fly for Braniff and then went back in the Navy after Braniff went away. He finished his Navy career as a decorated carrier pilot and IP and he had about 4 or 5 years of Pt 121 experience to boot. Around 1994-5 he was trying pretty hard to get a flying job at a major without success. Oh yeah I think he had a masters degree as well.
I'm afraid those times are coming back. There are some flying opportunities to be had at the regional level but I don't think the majors will hire in any great numbers for at least another 4 or 5 years. Of course if you have a space shuttle landing or two in your logbook.....
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Stop Wexford

On your way to where you ask... You don't think that someone with only Beech 1900 time can be competitve with all the jet guys out of the street?

Think again.

We do have people leaving here to go to AirTran, Alaska, and other smaller national carriers.

I have 3300 hours. I have just over 1000 turbine PIC, all in the Beech 1900, and my wife tells me that there is an application from ATA waiting for me at home. They must be interested if they sent an App.

Not just the high time folks are going to get the better jobs.

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