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Colgan PFT

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That really sucks. I will keep flying my piston popper forever before I will pay that kind of money for a job that barely pays that amount back in the first year. I sure hope this disease doesn't continue to spread.

Chpr- I'm curious, you said for the 340, not 1900. Does this mean you don't pay for 1900 training at all? If so, everyone that comes through there should demand to fly the 1900 and if offered the SAAB at the bargain rate of 16k or whatever, they should simply refuse. "Thanks anyway but I will be needing some food in the upcoming year!!"

Cargoflyr69- I just gotta know, what happens after the 6-8 months of 135 flying? I've been here at Fright Express for 18 months and there is no glimmer of hope for any turbo-prop or jet propulsion in my near future. As mentioned above, I WILL NOT PAY FOR TRAINING. I guess maybe I will fly this piston forever. You're right though, we are hiring. As many as 1 to 2 pilots a month!!!!!

Fly safe and remember boys and girls, NO PFT!!!!

I'm so sick of trying to get twin time. Without it nothing is ever going to happen in the dream career.

You can't rent or flight instruct in one unless you have 100 hours in make and model if then due to insurance.

Can't get hired unless you have 200+ hours multi.

Everyone gets mad if you pay for it. Oh, just wait it will happen is just getting old. Maybe if your 20-25 years old you can wait.

I've waited flight instructed 1700 hrs taught 37 people to fly. Paid my dues, have my ATP and have only been able to beg 130 hours of twin time in my region there just isn't any twins around.

Even the 135 operators can't put you on with only 130 hours twin insurance companies just won't agree in a two person crew. If you don't know someone that just wants to help. what choice is there. I can't believe giving up flying is the answer.

I'm done. Buying the job and moving on with the dream. Hope wanting it that bad and really trying to pay the dues will ease the dislike of me for just giving in.

Don't even think Daddy's buying it and the few I know that are going to do it also have tried the old way.
Chpr- I'm curious, you said for the 340, not 1900. Does this mean you don't pay for 1900 training at all? If so, everyone that comes through there should demand to fly the 1900 and if offered the SAAB at the bargain rate of 16k or whatever, they should simply refuse. "Thanks anyway but I will be needing some food in the upcoming year!!"

What I meant to say was that the PFT is on the Saab as we are hiring into the Saab.. I'm sure when we hire for the Beech, it will be PFT as well.
chperplt said:
What I meant to say was that the PFT is on the Saab as we are hiring into the Saab.. I'm sure when we hire for the Beech, it will be PFT as well.

That's a pretty steep bribe to get hired on. Are any pilots actually paying it?
chperplt said:
Class of 8 going through now


I just heard that Colgan was going to start PFT, and it's really sad that is happening.

However, I also heard that they had hired some furlouhees from other airlines, and they didn't work out (either were disgruntled working for Colgan, or left after a short while). I heard that experience cost Colgan some $280,000. Colgan apparently is not getting any of the gubmint bailout money some other airlines are getting, so that is the reason they are going PFT.

I hate to see it happen, but I bet it's not the last place that will do it. As I understand it, the trainees can get a type rating, so they are getting something for their money besides just a job. Any F/O that is typed in the plane should hopefully be able to hold their own when they hit the line, and I hope you Colgan captains will not have to do a bunch of instructing or solo flying. I also hope you won't hold it against them for doing PFT. It looks like it's the price you have to pay these days to get the next level of experience to move ahead in the industry.

Like Windsock said earlier in this thread, he's got 2400 TT, 1700 CFI with 37 students, and only 130 ME. He's been doing the "dues paying" thing, and it's not working. Unfortunately, the PFT thing may be what it takes to get the career going. I wish him luck. I bet he'll make a good F/O for Colgan.

Chperplt, can you confirm that Colgan has spent a lot training furloughees that did not work out? Is it true they don't get any of the gov't funds for airlines?

TriDriver Bob
I can confirm they have spent some amount of money on people that have left in under a year. Is it 280K? I don't know. In ground school they said they just want to get 2 years out of you, and then feel free to move on, they expect that you will. They make you sign for one year. I guess not too many people pay them back if they leave early. I think many leave here bitter. They pride themselves with sticking the company by not paying the contract. They must hire the low time gulfstream people because they can't just leave early as easy with only 600TT. If all the other regionals were hiring.........this place would be losing people left and right. I would say at least 2/3 of the people here want out badly. Honestly. And with no majors hiring the quick upgrade and PIC time that come with that are not a reason to stay here and deal with it. If they made the condtions better, the pay better, people would stay. The #1 thing they care about here is completion factor. Remember that: completion factor. It may come back to haunt the company some day. They will live or die by completion factor.
I think the training cost problems started when I went through class there. Of the new hires in my class on the Saab, they fired all except one. This was a couple of days before everyone's checkrides, so they had already paid for everything through the sims. They typed me then furloughed me two weeks later, after 9/11. So, I can understand how they went through alot of their training budget with nothing to show for it during just that time alone.
Sorry, I might not despise you personally but what you're doing is despicable. Don't go "buy the dream" for the chance to earn 16k a year and wear polyester. If you really thought after 9/11 it was realistic to go from a part 61 school with no ME flying to a decent regional, you were smoking something. There are other alternatives. Try some 135 freight operator who operates piston twins. Network. Go to a bigger flight school where you can use your MEI. Do NOT shell out 18k for a job and then tell everyone you are a "professional". Pilots who do that s***t are the reason management and and the general public think we are whores, and treat us like it.

BTW, WTF is Colgan charging 18K for the training? I just finished IOE with a carrier that requires a training contract for the ERJ, and it was 10K over 2 years. Is the SAAB that much more expensive to train? PS don't go crowing about the fact you can get a type rating. BFD, where are you going to use it if you leave Colgan? Eagle, Mesaba, maybe Shuttle? I don't think any of those are hiring too much lately.

End of soapbox. Good luck in life, try not to make a decision that will cheapen yourself and the profession.

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