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Colgan Interview Times

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Saying that Colgan makes you do things that put your tickets at risk???? Give me a break...that also means Pinnacle does the same thing since they own Colgan.

All regionals follow the same FAR's and if you or an airline break those rules....then you both would be out of business quick. The Colgan crash and the resulting FAA investigations would have found that out pretty quick. I'm guessing your informants 1st airline job was at Colgan.....and he or She is bitter. If you are dumb enough to break FAR's or you are dumb enough to pass up a job at any regional airline when you need a job (especially when that particular airline is going to double in size at a time when nobody else is hiring) , then you dont need to be in this business.

All regional airlines pay the same...give or take....all follow the same rules.....all of them have good & bad pilots, good & bad managers and all of them suck until you make captain with seniority. Making captain as quickly as possible is the most important piece of the puzzle if you want to call flying for an airline a career...or if you want to be marketable to any other airline.

I noticed a lot of these Colgan bashers are not even ATP rated......get a few more hours of integrety under your belt and a 121 flying job before you make judgement on which crappy regional airline is the best crappy regional airline.

Sounds like you are clueless. There is a reason why Colgan has fast upgrades, because no one wants to be there. If that's your thing, then by all means go for it.
The reason Colgan is having fast upgrades is because they are doubling the aircraft fleet and they need to hire 5 crews per aircraft over the next 2 years.

Fast upgrades are only happening because they need pilots to fill more aircraft arriving on the property.

If I were out of work and wanted to go back to flying for regionals ....I would go to Colgan (or any airline that was actually growing its fleet) in a heartbeat

Where do you work right now?

I noticed that you have almost as many posts on this site as you have flight hours.....maybe you should spend less time posting on this site and get your ATP so you can get one of those better regional airline jobs.
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Just a word to the wise...The upgrades aren't occurring here all that quick. It is STILL at least a THREE YEAR upgrade at Colgan Air...And, unless there is some kind of major change in the industry. This situation isn't going to change anytime soon...Good luck with the "quick upgrade"
Its got to be a quicker upgrade than sitting at home and doing nothing....and certainly quicker than other regionals right now considering the fact that no other regional is growing. Yea...3 years can seem like forever.....on the other hand those projections can change to less time or more time depending on the aircraft delivery rate...ect....

All I'm trying to say is dont stick your nose up to any job oportunity and try to go to an airline that is growing.......Math 101

Apply to Colgan and see what happens! Can someone please tell 757 the best way to apply for a pilot position with Colgan. This will allow him to to meet people at Colgan and get a feel of the place for himself.

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