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Citation Shares Vector

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Just be the ball, Danny..
Jul 29, 2004
To answer some of the questions I've seen regarding Citation Shares Vector:

It's a great company to work for with lots of potential. Pay for F/O's: 35000 Base, +2.3 hour per diem (I spend about 1/2 per day) and 250 day OT (outside of 7on/7off)
Captains: 64000 base + 2.30 per diem and 350 day OT.

Both positions offer a yearly bonus which has been around 3% or so. Pay increases of 2-5% a year on your base. Fast upgrade time (right now under a year if you have the time to do so) and a very bright future with planned aircraft purchases and the addition of the Vector part 135 program like NJA's Marquies Jet program. Most pilot's are happy and thankful we have a good job with a growing company, unlike our NJA competition who all you hear about on this board is all negative.... we are not perfect but it sure beats flying a RJ for food stamps. The company seems very interested in our welfare and is trying to make the environment better from year to year.

As a F/O with only spending about 1/2 my per diem and working about 2-3 days of OT a month I will bring in close to 48k this year. Not bad. CSV buys all uniforms including shoes and will replace as they wear free of charge. One week of vacation for new guys so you will have one period of three weeks off. Everyone works 7on/7off so you can plan your life a year in advance. I've flown military, part 121 and now here and it's a good job. If you always look at the negative (NJA guys this is for you) then you will never be happy in aviation, even when you are a 747-400 captain making the big bucks.

We need good pilots... glass half empty guys need not apply please! I like to enjoy my tours by not flying with a nagging pilot the whole week. It helps if you know a CSV guy to recommend you. If not keep updating your resume!
Thanks for the posting. Can you tell me how your aircraft assignment is determined - by experience or vacancy? What's the likelihood that you could get hired into the right seat of a CJ1? Personally, I'd like to fly one of those - they look like fun.

What's the average upgrade time and do you upgrade to the aircraft you have been assigned as an FO or can you bid any aircraft you want (i.e., from XL FO to CJ1 Captain or to XL Captain)?

To answer:

The pay scale is the same for all aircraft... it doesn't matter what you fly. There probably is a formula as to who goes where (a little) but it comes down to filling vacancies. My class was broken pretty evenly between all three aircraft types (CJ1, Bravo, XL) and so was the experience. Also upgrade will go where you are needed but the company does take into account your type rating... ie if you are an excel guy they will save $$ by keeping you in the xl but it's not a promise. We all get typed in initial training. If you go up one or down one it's differences training. So a guy in the XL can go to the bravo with differences at Flight Safey but going to the CJ from the XL is a whole new type. All in all it comes down to need.... like when I was in the Navy we called it "needs of the navy". Didn't always make sense to us but we don't always have the big picture.... if there's an empty seat and it's your time to upgrade... you're going to that seat.

Hope this helps....
ahhh yes the standard dig at nja. Of course CS are 1/16th the size of NJA so they don't know problems until they get to our size.

Let's see when am i going to upgrade- oh yeah when my senority number gives me the chance.

When is my next pay raise? Oh yeah it's on my aniversary date of hire. What percentage pay increase? Oh yeah it's published and everyone gets the same.

Where shall I live- Who cares as long as I am at my gateway by midnight on my first night. No proving where I live.

Counting perdiem as part of my pay? Nope not going to do it.

Company tries to break your contract? Oh yeah no union. I just file a grievance and get my money or comp days.
NJA pilots might complain but hey we're pilots.
Hey Diesel,

You can rationalize all you want, but CS is a hundred times better to work for than NJA. And it will be even AFTER the "new contract". Sure, you have to stick up for your company, but any way you slice it, CS has NJA beat many times over. And that's the name of THAT tune. :rolleyes:

3am ASAPs. Doesn't happen at CS. 14 hour duty days. Rarely. Minimum rest. Just as rarely. Oh, and they don't have to count their per diem to FAR exceed your pay for comparable equipment. So, go back to your lame rationalizations. Or better yet, just shut up.

As far as the digs go...well, I guess the truth hurts.
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What are the Domiciles like at CS? I've heard that senior pilots can pretty much fly from where they want and new hires must commute to the domiciles. If this is true is there any hard feeling amongst the pilot force?
Hey tailhookah and FarginDooshbahg,

You make us CS pilots look like tools by making fun of the NetJet guys. Great if you like your job, but no reason to cut anyone down. The tables can turn in an instant.

Fly safe
tailhookah said:
As a F/O with only spending about 1/2 my per diem and working about 2-3 days of OT a month I will bring in close to 48k this year. Not bad.
Not very good either
fracflyer said:
Hey tailhookah and FarginDooshbahg,

You make us CS pilots look like tools by making fun of the NetJets guys
The only one that can make you look like a tool is yourself. My posts reflect on me and me only. Besides, what do you expect? I'm a Fargin Dooshbahg. At least that's what everyone tells me, so I guess it's true. :rolleyes:
you are compairing apples to oranges. The only thing that NJA and CS have in common is they are in the fractional buisness.

When CS becomes the size of NJA then come talk to me. Upgrades were quick at NJA at one time. At one point they were even hiring captains off the street.

At some point though that all ends and then it's back to a couple of years for upgrade.

Apples to oranges

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