Whoever posed as BARRY L is hilarious!! That's good stuff. As a CS pilot, I have said it before and I will say it again.....it's a good job. No need for a union yet.....other people I talk to agree. The same people are not opposed to unionizing if things start going downhill for us. It's that simple. The pilots from other companies that like to bash us simply have never worked for a company that treats their pilots well and hands out raises. I've never experienced it before coming here and I worked for 2 previous 121 carriers as a proud ALPA member. Sure there are some things that need to be improved but come on guys...how long has CS been around? 6 years I believe. Things have continually gotten better since i started here just over a year ago.
I don't see SWA pilots being bashed for not joining in with ALPA, and i guarantee these guys bashing CS for not unionizing have their app in with SWA. If you have a good internal thing going with management, don't screw it up if you don't have to. But to all you CS folks reading this, don't be silly and totally rule it out if the company starts pulling shi!. on us. So far so good!
I don't see SWA pilots being bashed for not joining in with ALPA, and i guarantee these guys bashing CS for not unionizing have their app in with SWA. If you have a good internal thing going with management, don't screw it up if you don't have to. But to all you CS folks reading this, don't be silly and totally rule it out if the company starts pulling shi!. on us. So far so good!