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Chicago runway too slick at Crash

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Andy said:
And if it makes you feel any better, yes, the least competent of Southwest's pilots can fly rings around me.

There ya go, I admit that I'm just a subpar dirtbag pilot who could only get hired at Yonited because no real airline would hire me. Giddyup, Tex.

Well, I'm glad we got that lined out. Feels good to get that off your chest doesn't it? ;)

I'll remember your "I never bend the rules or to company pressure" next time I hear the wind REPORTED to be less than a 10 knot tail wind in LAX. Those of you who know what I'm talking about will agree.

GuppyWN said:
I'll remember your "I never bend the rules or to company pressure" next time I hear the wind REPORTED to be less than a 10 knot tail wind in LAX. Those of you who know what I'm talking about will agree.

ROTFLMAO! You are equating a tailwind at LAX (2 mile long runway) with a tailwind on a snow covered runway at MDW?
Buy some common sense, pal. I guess that I need to remember my audience ... a few people who hold up a USA Today 'analysis' as gospel, yet decry the initial NTSB report (with more than enough information) as unfounded rumors. You guys continue to crack me up.
FDJ2 said:
I don't know the feasibility of changing RWYs at MDW, I've never even landed there and I am unfamiliar with the approaches, but here is a question for those who are familiar with airport operations at MDW. The preliminary NTSB report states that had the aircraft landed with a headwind as opposed to a tailwind, stopping distance would have been 1,000' shorter. Why land on a less favorable runway under these terrible conditions? Why not ask to change runways?

The reason that they did not land on 13C is that the visibility was below minimums for 13C. It was above minimums for 31C.
You know the article was posted because it was a different take on the events of that night. Anything published to date, seemed to go the other way, the way your talking Andy. This is the first article that has a different tone to it.
It's the usual suspects on here that could care less about that information. It had to be Southwest's fault, along with those pilots. The braking action report had to be accurate, they always are. There was no snow that night, and the winds were just as accurate at the approach end, as they were from the tower. Karma will get these guys too, it always does. Or, maybe it already has.
Andy said:
The reason that they did not land on 13C is that the visibility was below minimums for 13C. It was above minimums for 31C.

This is true.

But keep in mind, ATC probably wouldn't have given it to them anyway, if the vis was good, since using 13C makes ORD have to switch directions and go down to only 2 runways.

Ask any ATA guy- you ask for 13C and the reply is, "unable" and "indefinate delay"....

Andy and I were classmates at UAL. He is currently a furloughed, finishing out his AF career kinda guy. He was a fairly level headed guy, although opinionated, when I knew him back then.

Pinkie, you can think what you want, but I'll tell you, those guys did not fudge numbers so their cowboy image could go untarnished. They ran the numbers they had and came up with a permissable option. Believe it or not we are trained at SWA, as well as if not better, than UAL. I consider myself far more proficient here than I ever did at UAL. We get more landings and flight hours in any given week than I did ever at UAL. There is no day spent during ground school teaching how to cheat to get ahead of another carrier, or how to push it up so you can keep your on-time, or anything else that your furloughed brain has dreamed up. You need to wait for the final report before you go out on a limb and try to speculate that our cultural mentality is "cowboy-up" and we don't care about safety, as long as we get where we are going. If you don't understand the relationship between O'Hare and MDW, 31C vs. 13C and Chicago App's control over the landing runway, then shut your trap.

I hope your 777/-400 comes sooner than later so you can doze for dollars and quit speculating over this little LCC's mentality.

Slug, aka "the Brain"

I luved the stock options I got as a former employee. That $6000 will come in handy somewhere
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Andy remind me to slap your momma the next time I see her. She raised a Bafoon!
Slug said:
He is currently a furloughed, finishing out his AF career kinda guy.

Odd, since the "Tanker Guys" are usually the best guys to fly with at SWA*.
(*Plus a couple F16 guys that I know lurk here)

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