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Chautauqua Strike

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See the CHQ Strike thread. We don't want to wind up like Mesa.... Simple as that.
Ummm.... This IS the CHQ Strike thread. :)

I think what you meant was the thread entitled something along the lines of "Republic is Shuttle America."
I.P. Freley said:
Ummm.... This IS the CHQ Strike thread. :)

I think what you meant was the thread entitled something along the lines of "Republic is Shuttle America."

D'OH! You got me!

Well, let me post it here, too...hang on... So many posts, so little time...
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but...

Our company has been jerking us around regarding negotiations and Republic. We were told by the highest authority that RP was solely for USAirways. We accepted J4J rendering RP redundant. Management is pushing forward with RP any way, going so far as to lie to USAirways about our acceptance of the J4J protocol (we accepted it without condition, our management told Airways it was incumbent upon contract ratification).

When talks on pay were ongoing, both sides were within 6% of agreement. Management abruptly broke off negotiations, suspending them indefinitely. They claim it is because the DO left for Republic, thereby denying them the benefit of one of their primary negotiators.

We as a pilot group see the writing on the wall. The company appears to have no intention of playing fair with us. They will extract concessions from SA and use that against us, or will start RP at Mesa pay rates. They will then turn their sights on us.

The Strike Ballot is going out precisely because the company has not bargained in good faith and has no intention of doing so. We want to force good faith bargaining. That is my take on it.

If I am wrong, someone set me straight.

Whats your real name and what company do you work for?

One of those airlines yotalking about it Eagle...who have proven that they have no maturity at all... We were in ST louis way before AMR bought TWA...we were there first... Eagle was offered the flying, but refused it. Period. Thats all there is to it... Its there company. I will say there are a number of Eagle pilots who do understand that it is there company who causes the problem, and treat us with the respect we deserve, and I salute them.

Im guessing the second one your talking about is Comair...and I will just say that you must speak for yourself, because all Ive heard from Comair people, just leads me to be respectful...they made a stand for the industry, and we are fixing to make our stand.

So, number 1...grow up and stop blaming everyone else for your problems..

Number 2, stop talking for everyone else...
I'm not a scab!


I think that you need to think about your definition of a scab! I am sorry that you and or some of your friends were or still are out on the street. I too, while short lived, was unemployed from my flying job. Just because you disagree with or dont understand why a certain pilot group makes a certain decision regarding their contrcat does not make them a scab.

While I am fairly new to this industry I think that everyone would agree that the pilots at Mesa are underpaid. Does that hurt everyone else in the aviation business? Probably, but, just because they are looking out for their livelyhood doesnt make them scabs. Same with the guys and gals at CHQ and SA.

While I'm sure that both pilot group's stock would go up in your and other ALPA pilot's eyes if CHQ struck and SA voted no on the upcoming contract negotaiations you are not privy to the information they will have at their fingertips to make their decision. If CHQ strikes and/or SA votes no they will be making a stand on their own terms. If they dont strike and/or vote yes they are doing, in their eyes, what they think is the best thing for them. They are looking out for themselves, an opportunity I feel every pilot deserves for putting up with all the crap in the industry.

Lord knows theres already enough pressure inside both of these airlines to do one thing or the other. So lay off and worry about
your own airline's problem.

Getting off my soap box now.

That's the problem with this industry, from management all the way down: We're only worried about ourselves! Nobody cares to do what is right on PRINCIPLE any more. The Band of Brothers is a myth! Perhaps if all airline pilots were Marines we wouldn't have this problem, but alas, I digress...

When will people start thinking about the benefit of EVERYONE and not just themselves? All we have is one another, period. It is our duty to think of the people who made the world better **for** us as we do our best to make the world better for those who will **follow** us.
I agree but ...


I agree that everyone is looking out for themselves. If you want that "band of brothers feeling" maybe you should join the Marines. I really dont think that will EVER change in this industry.

What I meant by my last post is pilots that arent privy to all the info shouldnt label people SCABS because of the decision that their airline makes. A scab is someone who crosses a picket line, not someone who works for an airline that is in the business of screwing their pilots. If I vote no but the initiative passes I did what I could. I still have to work and its not the easiest time to have principles in the aviation industry.

Open your eyes people!

I am taking a stand for SKULL-1 (JS).

We all need to stop and take a good look at what is going on here at CHQ, SA, Republic and RAH. We need to take a stand for what is right for ourselves and our fellow briothers and sisters.

Wexford, ie BB, RAH etc are banking on the hope that SA will vote for Concessions. The carrot that they are using are the RJs.

For the better good of our industry and all of our careers, I hope SA pilots think long and hard about the Concessions that they(SA) is being ask of them. Consider this: the same group that ask you for something with the promise of something else( your jobs until OCTOBER and RJs) is the same group that has lied to us and has not negotiated in good faith for 2 years. This is the same group that has repeatedly violated our contract and has no regard for us as a work force.

This is the same group that is hiding their profits behind
" the PERFECT STORM" that has engulfed "most" of our industry. But remember this: CHQ is making WEXFORD huge sums of money partly due to the fact that they have stalled our negotiations and keep us working at 2001 labor rates. Now WEXFORD (Brian Bedford) is asking us to take consessions.

How can CHQ management do this: because management feels that they can enlist less expensive labor to do our job at CHQ if the CHQ pilots refuse to do the same work for less.

CHQ pilot

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