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Chautauqua Strike

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Well-known member
May 4, 2003
Chautauqua's Union message board has just reported that a STRIKE VOTE is scheduled to be placed placed out for vote this week by the CHAUTAUQUA Airlines pilots LOCAL 747.
negotiations are two years past due.
The company indef. cancelled all negotiations this week as the Director of flight ops left for REPUBLICK.

All support is appreciated.

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As per one of our Union Reps..wer're doing everything we can to help SA in their dire situation.

We're both being played my Wexford and we are both in dire situations. I know the pilots here will not fold to management's threats. We need to stand strong. Thanks for your support; you also have mine.
To our shuttle brothers and sisters...

Please make a stand here... we at chautauqua are ready to make our stand.. but we need you to as well. We can no longer stand by and take wexfords/bedfords threats... We have to make a stand. We didnt last time, when we lost 125 guys... now, we will...but it takes all of us...
Shuttle America Pilots definitely need to take a stand now. Ten percent below Mesa for Jets ( *IF* you get them) ? ! If you don't stand up now, when will you?

No more whipsaws. Draw a line in the sand folks. Let's support each other and try to unscrew this mess... If we don't, the day will come when a door greeter at Wal-Mart makes more than a Jet F/O.

SAY NO TO CONCESSIONS. We're already underpaid as it is.
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I’m surprised no one has thought up retro PFT and send all the pilots a bill.

Wexford is making money and SA is doing exactly what they bought it for; take the fall for the Saabs and poor USAir contract. It’s easier for mgmt to threaten the pilot group into taking wage cuts than to renegotiate the lessees or contract with Airways. So they take the easy route then give themselves bonuses for their cost cutting efforts. Time to man up Shuttle. One list.
God in heaven!!! I wish I could help somehow. Tell me though if one group were to strike OR have a job action, would the other be able to honor the picket line. Circa the UPS teamsters strike when the pilots didn't work either?
That, mckpickle, is one of the "Questions of the Hour."

I would air a couple more of those "QOTH's", but I will wait and see what comes of the strike threat, and the SPECIFIC reason they are threatening it in the first place...

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