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Chautauqua or ASA?

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Dec 22, 2002
Just wondering if anyone has important information about either- Chautauqua or ASA? How are the working conditions, treatment of employees, reserve time, and upgrades? Thanks ahead of time!!

Take a look and see which of the two is hiring. ASA is holding off till the folks from the EMB are moved to the Jet and CHQ is hiring but I think there is alot of controversy rite now with Wexford Group. Anyways I know pilots at both and they have never complained. The only one I have heard lately is that the lines on ASA have sucked the past couple months and ATL is very stagnant rite now. Thats all I got. CYA
Will you fly for food?

Ditto previous post. There have been several excellent threads recently on both of these airlines, search back and read, most is current info.

I am in the pool at ASA, looks like no hiring until I am a grandpa. Sadly, I am getting old enough waiting that if I do ever get hired, I will retire a first officer with them. Right now, the ones that are hiring seem to be the lowest paying, worst schedules, worst quality of life, etc.. Unless you have a lot of hours and know someone somewhere else, that is.

Good luck.
So far we are holding off on off the street hiring. We are putting the E-120's out to pasture and when that is done sometime this year, I would venture to guess we would be hiring again. Of course this all subject to change you know! As far as the lines go, March is a huge improvement over the last few months and expected to get better. The guy who took over in that dept just retired so he was painfully aware of schedule problems. Upgrades...depends on demand. When I got hired in 99 on the ATR, I could hold E-120 Capt before I got out of training. I waited though to hold a line as Capt on the ATR. Even then I still waited another year. Again it all depend on what is going on at the time and what the individual wants.
Hope this helps!
Chautauqua Info

The ChQ life isn't too bad. We don't have it the best but we also don't have it the worst. Pay is kinda on the low side, but thats how our management is out bidding all the other airlines. We are expanding real fast. the rumor is 1000 pilots by Janurary. Upgrade was at a stand still but has picked up a lot of steam. I was suppose to be a CA in about a year but looks like it will be in 3 months now. Been withut a contract for about a year with no end in sight. We are also battling the start up of Republic Airlines with furloughed USAir main line pilots.


When did you get hired? How fast is FO to CA upgrade with Chtq? Is it quick?

I have a buddy who got on with GLA out of DEN as a FO, flying the line for 2 months, he is expecting captain in 6-8 months, sounds good imo!

How is ASA on that issue?
I got hired in 12/00. I would have been a CA by now if it wasn't for 9/11. As it stands I will be one in 3 months. Don't know anything about ASA but CHQ is a great place to work. And we are expanding quickly.

Yea, because you accept less than industry pay and work rules, so as to undercut other, usually wholly-owned, airlines in exchange for your growth, esentially squashing the growth of all those other airlines! Chat. may have growth, but before chosing to work there, decide if you want those conditions, or you want to strive for more.
79%N1 - You should get your info straight before you go running your mouth. We at Chautauqua are NOT below industry pay. Our Capt. are within 1.50 per hour with ASA (If not closer).

We fly the cheapest jet on the market at about 17 mil. The CRJ (from what I've been told) is around 25 mil. Just from that it looks like the erj can operate cheaper than the crj, but I'm sure t the biggest expense to operate a jet per hour is the crew's pay. Whatever.

Work rules? What are you talking about. Chautauqua has one of the better sets of work rule within the regionals. We DO NOT have junior manning, we get 12 days off a month (11 on RSV). My days off are just that, we can be called for overtime, but we can say no and hang up the phone.

If your company said that we are going to start United and American Codeshares tomorrow with 25 jets apiece, you would be very happy about your growth. You wouldn't feel bad about the jobs you took from another airlines.

If you want to be bitter at someone, choose YOUR managment. They are the ones that make the contracts, not pilots at other airlines. I'm just like you, I show up to work, push my levers, eat my peanuts, and go home.

If you want to discuss this more send me a private message.

Chautauqua E-145 Captain
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Thanks for the support sf340flyer.

And to the rest of you who hate Chautauqua, too bad and I don't care. I am going to continue to go to work and do my best to make us the best Regional out there. THAT'S BUSINESS. Customers rule, and are all that matters. Treat them with respect and pretend your time is their time (which it really is) and they'll come back to you everytime. And customer loyalty is just about all we have in the business to differentiate us from the competition.


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