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Changes in 135 Duty Times

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Here is a link to just one of several threads found when I used the FI Search function with the keywords "duty time". Enjoy!

There are outcomes possible following release of the NPRM and comment period. Don't expect too much relief from any new rule adopted. From what I have read and heard, industry has actively negotiated for as much as they can get. For now, all we can really do is wait to see what the rule looks like and then flood the FAA with our comments at that time.

Stay tuned...

charter dog said:

Here is a link to just one of several threads found when I used the FI Search function with the keywords "duty time". Enjoy!

You mean someone has talked about duty time here before? Amazing! :laugh:
pilotyip said:
Yep! KYIP is where Ford Motor Company built 8700 B-24's on an automotive style assembly line. The picture is the ramp from the old tower in the summer of 1944 with a part of a day's production, at that time they were building a B-24 every hour. My dad was working there at the time.

one more quick question, who occupies that ramp now?
Ramp at YIP, it is shared by Murray, Const Helo's, used to be Express Net (i.e Trancon 3), now out of busienss, ERIUM, Ameristar, and some private owners and corp flight dept's
You mean someone has talked about duty time here before? Amazing! :laugh:

Okay W2B, ya got me!

The proposed new 135 flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements rules have been the subject of much interest to many interested parties. I look forward to the discussion which will ensue when the NPRM is published and everyone has the opportunity to examine the language for legal loopholes and comment on the possibilities. Oughta be fun!

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Thanks for posting that link CaptainSpaz. I presume this is the work product of the Aviation Rulemaking Committee which was submitted upon their ajournment and has been sitting on a shelf at FAA ever since.

Meanwhile, industry is not taking this laying down. See this thread to read the NATA letter to the FAA where they request that the language of the final rule contain an "escape clause" whereby crewmembers may be placed in an "AVAILABLE" (on-call with a "duty to report") status and simultaniously count that time as REST as long as the operator informs the crew of this fact. This effectively allows the endless period of on-call status such as we presently enjoy today!

I hope that no such language is included in the NPRM or the final rule. I could live with the rule in the form I found on the provided link. Let's just hope that industry lobbying is unsuccessful in nullifying the intent of the ARC's efforts in creating this draft proposal. The intent is to mitigate the instance of fatigue induced accidents and thereby promote safer operations.


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