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CFI Renewal/Reinstatement

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R.O.N. at home
Nov 22, 2005
Ok, here's the deal. I was arguing with the local DPE about CFI reinstatements. He was telling me that all renewals or reinstatements had to be done in a complex airplane. I argued that the regs say if I have an expired CFI, and I take a checkride for any rating listed on said expired certificate, the Instrument rating for example, then my entire certificate is reinstated. The checkride for the instrument instructor doesn't require a complex airplane. The DPE was telling me that if I was already an instrument instructor, I couldn't take another II checkride. Where am I wrong here? In any event, the DPE is completely hardheaded and unwilling to listen to suggestion, so the ride would have to be done elsewhere, but is this an option? Thanks.
Find another DPE.

Of course doing the ride elsewhere is an option. I'm not sure what you mean by "the local DPE." Is there only one in your area that is certified for CFI rides? Even if so, your certificates are issued by the FAA which, as I'm sure you know, is a =national= not local organization. Go somewhere else.
Can I do the II ride to reinstate the CFI in an airplane that isn't a complex?
The practical test for renewal/reinstatement only needs to be a “single showing of proficiency.” And for any of the airplane ratings (ASE, AME, or IA) can be done in a non-complex airplane such as a CE-172. No written required. If you had all seven CFI ratings on your CFI certificate then just a test in any one of those will bring back all seven.

6. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR RENEWAL OR REINSTATEMENT. The examiner may require an applicant for renewal or reinstatement to complete all or any portion of the flight instructor practical test that the examiner deems necessary to determine the applicant’s competence to hold a flight instructor certificate.
A. Endorsement Not Required. A flight instructor endorsement is not required for the renewal or reinstatement of a flight instructor certificate except IAW the provisions of § 61.49 for a retest.
B. Expiration Date. A flight instructor certificate is renewed or reinstated with an expiration date 24 calendar months after the month of renewal/reinstatement or the month of expiration of the current :flight instructor certificate, provided the provisions of § 61.197(a) are accomplished within the three calendar months preceding the expiration month of the current flight instructor certificate.
C. Examiner Qualifications for Renewal Tests of Applicants with Multiple Category Ratings. In order to conduct a practical test for the renewal of a flight instructor certificate with more than one aircraft category rating, an examiner must hold FIRE authority or be designated in at least one of the categories of aircraft on the flight instructor certificate to be renewed.
D. Renewal of All Ratings. An applicant may renew all ratings on a current flight instructor certificate by satisfactorily completing one practical test. Also, the satisfactory completion of a practical test for an additional flight instructor rating constitutes the renewal of a flight instructor certificate.

Questions/Comments are welcome….
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iflyjets4food said:
Can I do the II ride to reinstate the CFI in an airplane that isn't a complex?
Yes. There is nothing in the CFI-I PTS that requires a complex airplane, so there can be nothing in the retest.

As Undaunted points out, you don't =really= need to take a CFI-ASE retest in a complex aircraft either, subject to the catch in bold
6. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR RENEWAL OR REINSTATEMENT. The examiner may require an applicant for renewal or reinstatement to complete all or any portion of the flight instructor practical test that the examiner deems necessary to determine the applicant’s competence to hold a flight instructor certificate.
If the PTS for the CFI rating you choose to take the test for has tasks that require a complex airplane then the Examiner would be well within his rights to ask for them. But that's something you work out in advance with the Examiner.
The PTS intro section contains a chart that shows exactly what is be on the test. I have never heard of an examiner requiring a complex airplane or anything else beyond what is required. There is no point in that. The only way he/she would make such a request is if that person (the examiner) isn't really familiar with the CFI renewal/reinstatement equipment requirements.
That person may be new or something like that. No examiner wants their tests to be harder than necessary.
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UndauntedFlyer said:
The PTS intro section contains a chart that shows exactly what is be on the test. I have never heard of an examiner requiring a complex airplane or anything else beyond what is required.
But, unless I missed something else inthe PTS, if we're talking about the ASE, the CFI PTS requires the performance of at least 2 takeoff and 2 landing tasks and the PTS requires that

A complex airplane must be furnished for the performance of takeoff and landing maneuvers, and appropriate emergency procedures.

Of course, iflyjets4food is talking about doing an instrument ride which has no such requirement.
midlifeflyer said:
But, unless I missed something else inthe PTS, if we're talking about the ASE, the CFI PTS requires the performance of at least 2 takeoff and 2 landing tasks and the PTS requires that

A complex airplane must be furnished for the performance of takeoff and landing maneuvers, and appropriate emergency procedures.

Of course, iflyjets4food is talking about doing an instrument ride which has no such requirement.

May sound reasonable to you but I can only say that any examiner who says that you must bring a complex airplane for a CFI renewal/reinstatement for an airplane single-engine test (ASE) is just incorrect. At least that is based on my 17-years of doing DPE work. This subject has been addressed in the annual DPE meetings many times.
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All he said was that his new DPE handbook revision tells him he has to use a complex.

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