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Cape Air 402 F/O???

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2005
Hey there. I sent a resume to Cape Air and they sent me an application to fill out for a C402 first officer position. I don't wanna be an f/o on a 402 but does anyone know what the deal is? Ive got my 135 mins plus 160 multi.
You don't have 1500 hours and an ATP. It's 135 scheduled... not on demand.
They will let you fly as an FO till you get your ATP, its actually not a bad gig. I knew a few instructors that went this route and it worked out well, they were flying single pilot PIC in no time. They do it cause you are so close to the ATP mins...

My info might be dated so maybe someone else can help..."Bueller, Bueller..Bueller?"
Thanks guys. Sounds like a good place to work but Im looking at a place too that will let me upgrade into a turbine in 6 months. I know CA is all piston I think.
Thanks guys. Sounds like a good place to work but Im looking at a place too that will let me upgrade into a turbine in 6 months. I know CA is all piston I think.

Let me know when you find it maybe they have rivers of chocolate too!!! just busting some chops good luck...

"V-dub in da house Yah!"
Yeah, ATP is needed and they will probably have you fly the mail too to build that time up. FO pay is like 8 bucks an hour?? But that may be duty time pay like the captains'. You'll get an ass load of IMC though and a bagillion cycles.
The quick upgrade FO pay is $11 and change a duty hour. You still must meet 135 IFR mins to qual. There has not been much mail flying for these guys, all line and some repo's to FL and the Carib. It is working out well for all of them so far.
How are the guys logging time in an airplane as an FO when the aircraft is certified without one? Must be PIC, since SIC doesn't exist in that airplane? I'm not sure how that works toward the ATP hour mins.... just make sure it makes sense before you do it! I know the guys that go to the 'sic' caravan jobs find the time less than worth the effort and time put into it. Just be careful, that's all, on being an 'FO' on an aircraft that doesn't require one!
The SIC is required by part 135 scheduled carrier ops. Without going into detail it is very legal to log SIC time under that situation. With that said, I don't understand why anyone would be interested in Cape Air when places with 1 year upgrades (on jets and t-props) are hiring with much lower mins, better pay, in places with much lower cost of living, unless your a local to one of their bases. Flying single pilot IFR does very little to prepare you for working in a crew environment, and flying a 402 is much different than flying heavier, more complex equipment. Having 1000 hours PIC 135 piston does nothing for you, but having 1000 hours turbine 135 or 121 opens up all the doors. They claim that the average first year pay is much higher than it actually is. Just like everyone else, Cape Air is going to have a very difficult time finding and retaining pilots as the pilot shortage continues to grow. The pay is going to have to go up if Cape Air want to continue to attract pilots. Historically, Cape Air has paid better than the Regionals for the first couple of years, but you never get the huge jump in pay when you upgrade to Captain. All you get is a additional 1 dollar per duty hour per year. McDonalds gives better raises than that, seriously. The pilot shortage is real, and now is the time to get into the position that you want to stay in. Get people under you in the seniority list so that when the hiring boom is over your job will be better protected. Airlines hire until they furlough and they furlough until they hire. Keep that in mind.
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With that said, I don't understand why anyone would be interested in Cape Air when places with 1 year upgrades (on jets and t-props) are hiring with much lower mins, better pay, in places with much lower cost of living, unless your a local to one of their bases. Flying single pilot IFR does very little to prepare you for working in a crew environment, and flying a 402 is much different than flying heavier, more complex equipment. Having 1000 hours PIC 135 piston does nothing for you, but having 1000 hours turbine 135 or 121 opens up all the doors. They claim that the average first year pay is much higher than it actually is. Just like everyone else, Cape Air is going to have a very difficult time finding and retaining pilots as the pilot shortage continues to grow. The pay is going to have to go up if Cape Air want to continue to attract pilots. Historically, Cape Air has paid better than the Regionals for the first couple of years, but you never get the huge jump in pay when you upgrade to Captain. All you get is a additional 1 dollar per duty hour per year. McDonalds gives better raises than that, seriously. The pilot shortage is real, and now is the time to get into the position that you want to stay in. Get people under you in the seniority list so that when the hiring boom is over your job will be better protected. Airlines hire until they furlough and they furlough until they hire. Keep that in mind.

Could you elaborate on where this "huge bump in pay occurs at the regionals"?

Also the type of experience that you gain there will carry over to other jobs and it will show in your sim rides.

"V-dub in da house Yah"

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