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OK, This will be my last.

I am very surprised that you remembered the guys that were fired. Many at RTA supported the union effort. Three of those terminated never flew a trip for FLOPS. I would say that about 98% and this includes the RTA Chief Pilot was against the so call merger.

RTA had some problems but when compared to FLOPS there was no contest. RTA for all of its problems had a class act when comp aired to FLOPS. . FLOPS was on the verge of closing its doors. If the so call merger had not taken place FLOPS would have been out of business very soon.

The FLOPS Chief Pilot on the voice mail to all pilots made the statement that there was a lot of intimidation. In what form do you think this acknowledge intimidation took place? You claim that those terminated complained to the owners, how do you know this?

I was told that not the first one had any complaints from owners at RTA. The only one that worked any trips for FLOPS had one complaint that was justified by his SIC and FLOPS customer service or what ever they are called. The letter was about the pilot having to defuel . This was due to the passenger showing up with extra passengers and bags plus golf bags. This flight was out of Aspen so weight was critical.

They were not fired because of talking bad about the company or the management of FLOPS. They were terminated because they were well known for their support of a union.

The RTA program manager at deposition said that they were all the type he wanted as PIC, that he had never had any trouble from any of them. The Chief Pilot from RTA at deposition said that they were all team players and did not present a problem to him. Please do not try to say that they had a bad attitude or that they deserved to be fired. It was the management of FLOPS that broke the law and violated the rights of those terminated. Please place the blame where it belongs.


Do you work for Flight Options? Do you work for the IBT?(I bet this one is it) How do you know all this info., whether it be true or not. Did you know all the guys that were fired? You sure seem to be digging deep to find things wrong at Options. Do you dig this deep at other fractionals or companies? Or, is it just Options you want to blast on a public board? I have worked at Options for a while and I haven't had much of any problems I couldn't handle, I also don't tell managment how to run their company. I am hear by choice and I like it, if I didn't I would leave.

So, what's really up with you?
A To Be. Be careful. you reveal you identiy to those of use who remember your prior comments.

How do you like sitting at home?
By the way, A to Be misrepresents a much of what was said in deposition.

A to Be can only know of the proported contents of particular depositions because he 1) gave one. and 2) because he is in close and constant contact with the IBT BoyZ.
One thing that you can always count on regarding these types of situations............heads will roll!

It is my mission in life to kick certain heads should they roll past my office..........LOL!

Best of luck to all.
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I do not work for FLOPS or the IBT. One of those terminated is a good friend and he sent me a copy of the depositions. It is not necessary to dig to find the dirt at FLOPS. The management of FLOPS has shoveled it for all to see. It appears most people can see what has taken place. Why do you try to protect the management of FLOPS? What part do you believe is not true? How can you think that what happen to those guys is not a terribly act of injustice. How can you feel immune to such acts? What other acts are acceptable? What other laws will you allow the company to break before you are willing to say that management of FLOPS went too far?

Do you think the summary judgment filed is full of misleading statements? Do you think the judge in the case would take lightly any misrepresentation? The law firm for the company might try to convince the judge that the facts presented are not the total facts and they are not. There is nothing in the deposition that disputes or changes the facts filed in the summary judgment. There are no hidden facts, nothing in the slightest detail that will change the facts. I am not saying the judge will grant summary judgment in this case. It is rare for the plaintiff to file for summary judgment. I am sure a judge is reluctant to rule on the guilt of any party without a trial. Most summary judgments are issued due to insufficient or lack of evidence by the plaintiff to warrant a trial. Do you not know that the judge has the complete depositions? I would be happy to email a copy of the depositions if the system here will accept them. Salata’s deposition alone is over seven (7.07)MB. The guys that were fired did not try to tell management how to run the company. Those fired were fired for doing what the law says they had a right to do. Call FLOPS 135 Chief Pilot and ask him about those that were fired. Ask him if he has been misrepresented on statements made about his deposition. You will only find a few back stabbing pilots from RTA that would even try to say that those guys were fired for any reason other than their union involvement. Remember three never flew the first trip for FLOPS. Not the first one had any complaints from owners during there time at RTA. Not the first one had any training problems. How blind can you really be? Why do you think the facts given here are false or not the complete truth? Why are you so against those men for standing up for their rights? I find it sad that some of you are so against those fired when so much of the truth is known. What more do you need?
He (FLOPS 135 Chief Pilot) said that all of those fired were team players. He said that he never had any trouble with any of them. He said nothing bad about those fired, nothing, not a word. If you say other wise then sir, you are nothing but a low class lair. Tell me one thing the (CP) said that would be or could be considered negative.

He (CP) said that another one (fired) that is not part of the summary judgment but is part of the lawsuit would not have been terminated at RTA. This was an instance that one person accused him of violating company policy in that he cussed him. This case was not even investigated (by deposition of 135 Chief Pilot) by anyone. At deposition, another worker that observed the alleged instance and said the pilot did not commit the alleged act. The SIC on the flight over heard the conversation and supported what the other witness said that the PIC did not cuss this man.

He did maybe cuss the company procedure. This concern the practice that FLOPS had of only showing the last four write-ups. I believe they now show the last 15. The PIC had written up many items and wanted to know what work had been completed. This was on a Challenger and just about the time of the so-called merger.

Again, why are you so committed to the wrong deeds of the management at FLOPS?

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