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Aspiring to be, I must agree with hawkercrept. You are an idiot. You must be the mighity Merlin in hidding.

So, your info comes from the most honored of sources, the MERLIN board. Man are you stupid.
What the Gentleman is posting is only the IBT side of the story. He shoud be attacked for being stupid enough to assume the case is over before it begins.
Because it casts a negative light on Flight Options Management. Plus, those guys fired were trying to get a union started there. I guess it doesn't matter whether it's true or not.
Thanks Griz,

I would ask the same question, if it is true and it is, then why be mad at me. I have not cast a bad light on management. The truth has shown management out to be in the wrong. Management is responsible for this and not my friend.

The one with the clap said that those that filed the lawsuit are fools. I am not sure why he would consider them fools when it was management that broke federal law according to the RLA. Does the clap really believe that someone is a fool for fighting back when his or her rights have been violated? Makes you wonder if the clap has spread to the brain!

It is not a pro or con union thing but it is a right and wrong thing. I wonder how the clap would feel if he was terminated illegally, unjustly and immorally.

The above is a copy of inter office email from management. The email was submitted to the attorney for the plaintiffs by the law firm representing FLOPS by order of the court. The depositions and summary judgment are public record and may be purchased for $4.

FLOPS has not been proven guilty yet by a court of law. Even if the judge denies the request for summary judgment and sends it to trial in Dec., it should be apparent from the documents FLOPS has submitted that FLOPS did violate the RLA. Read the summary judgment, read the depositions then you too will arrive at the only conclusion possible and that is that FLOPS management stepped outside of the law. Ricci is gone, but others guilty in this remain in the management of FLOPS. Those that have truly suffered in this deserve justice, support and restitution.

I will end my comments about this subject but let us not cover up or deny the truth. Put the blame on the guilty and not try to make those that had their rights violated at fault. Management brought this on and not the other way around.
It won't go to trial, they will settle out of court.. That way they won't have to admit to any wrong doing..

They are fried meat and they know it.. I see 100 million dollars coming out of this..

If they target personnel for firing for their support of a UNION or NOT it is wrong!!!

What's next?? Let's fire the guys who support the xyz football team or the abc political party???

I wish I could sit on that JURY.. This action on the company's part is a slap in the face to the American way of life...

Anyone and everyone involved should lose everything they own over this.. Set an example out of them..

Very bad press for RTA/FLOPS, an insult to every working man and woman in America..

OK flame away you anti-union anti's......
Just a question

...this is from a position of ignorance, is the (alleged) infraction comitted by FLOPs based soley on the fact that there is an association between the terminated pilots and union development or.... is it the fact that they were terminated without a specified cause? I'm trying to understand the legal protections accorded an (at will/non-union) employee.... Does the size of the company come into the equation? Thanx
OK, I will make one last comment. The state of Ohio is an at-will State, which really means they need no real reason to terminate you. This case was in violation of the RLA, which gives every employee the right to organize in a union. Management should remain neutral but they cannot terminate you and of course, that is exactly what they did in this case. Therefore, in this case the protection of those terminated comes from Federal law.

I have read the depositions from the management of FLOPS including that of Ricci. The management of FLOPS in their deposition leave no room for doubt as to the reason these people were terminated.

The 800xp fleet manager from RTA and he was the program manager at FLOPS until he gave his deposition. He was sent home and his position, if any, with FLOPS is not known at this time. Management at FLOPS has said they will let him know. He did testify that he was the direct supervisor for those terminated at RTA and that they were all what the he wanted in a PIC. He stated that he never had any trouble with any of them in any way. He saw their names on a black list. The two assistant chief pilots at RTA and a manager of scheduling made up or contributed to the black list. Both assistant chief pilots are now program managers at FLOPS. The Chief Pilot from RTA and now 135 Chief Pilot at FLOPS at deposition said that those terminated were team players and that he had never had any trouble out of any of those terminated.

That is the truth. What you must understand that when you give a deposition it is sworn testimony. It is fact and cannot be changed. For those that doubt and what to protect those guilty at FLOPS please read the depositions. I do not care if you are for or against having a union how can anyone blame those that only acted within their rights. Truly my last statement.

What do you two have to do with Flight Options? ASSPIRING, you have always posted negetive things about Options, you were obviously turned down by us and thank goodnes.

CLIF, you sound like your too old to WANT fly for us so whats your beef?

I had met a couple of these guys before the merger and they attacked us about union stuff and were very strong against Flight Options, I did not want them or anyone like them flying with me.

Fly Safe
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I've got no dog in this fight, but the terms bandied about above (stupid, low, morons, idiots, etc.) appear to fit the writers of same far better than their intended target. Calling Aspiring names may make the writers feel better, but it's not very effective in nullifying the the document he/she posted.

Why is Clif too old for FO? Does he sound too mature and/or educated to fit in?
I referred...

to Asspiring as an idiot because of his determination to drag Flight Options through the mud in a public forum. Whether the statements from management or the terminated employees is true is for each to form their own opinion. You have to understand, there is a great wall of contention at FLOPS on both sides of the union issue.
These employees were pro union. They were also coming to Flight Options with bad attitude because their Teamster drive at RTA failed. I am not management at Flops, quite far from it. I can tell you however, having heard from some of the individuals that were terminated, it wasn't a bad move on the company's part.

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