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Aspiring to be

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2002
From: Kenn Ricci
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 11:03 PM
To: Robert Sullivan
Cc: Mike Rossi; Chris Herzberg; Joe Salata
Subject: RE: Termination Letter
Can we go over the list?
(My thoughts)
Your recent visit to Flight Options headquarters allowed for interaction with several employees and a chance for
Flight Options to assess whether you could learn to embrace the policies, culture and character of Flight
Options. In particular our principle that “Employees are the foundation of a service company”, is extremely
important and requires the ability to respect and appreciate your coworkers and superiors.
It is our judgment, that you will be unable to espouse these principles and are left with no alternative but to
terminate your employment with Flight Options, LLC.
----- Original Message-----
From: Robert Sullivan
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 6:26 PM
To: Joe Salata; Chris Herzberg; Mike Rossi; Kenn Ricci
Subject: Termination Letter
Please take a look at the attached letter. I used one of the effected pilots as an example.
I know we had discussed being vague for reason initially but, I believe this may be more fitting.
We will also have to amend for Bowden who has not visited HQ.
Let me know your thoughts.
«File: sample.terrn.rta.doc»
FO 002288
Plaintiffs' Exhibit 14

ASSpring to be...or should we say MERLIN..

what dose this prove to anyone? Its on the net so it MUST be true.

Get a life and stop doing what you can to slam options.
Can not understand!

I cannot beleve someone has sutuped so low as to post something like this! And I know the IBT is behind this! Whether or not we need representation or not the IBT is the last I would ever consider!!!!! I know this is BS and a very low blow.

Aspiring, go blow yourself!

Fly Safe too the real pilots.
its bad enough

that this is on the "teamster" bitch and complain board, but why bring it here? Great way to bolster support!
I find it charming that the IBT Boys are so willing to make known the details of their pleadings well before the judge appointed to the case has had time to consider the information presented.

I suppose the IBT Boys are supremely confident that they will win this one. But, the IBT Boys were supremely confident that they would win the union vote at RTA. We all know that went south on them.

As for myself, I am very encouraged at the positive attitude displayed by the IBT Boys. This signifies that they are not in touch with reality and will once again fall prey to their own BS because every time the IBT Boys display such confidence, they tend to fail miserably.

This law suit is a long way from won or lost by either party. It foolhardy and naive to think the case over before it begins.

For those that still do not get it. The contents of all the web sites are read, printed, and filed for use. I would encourage the IBT Boys to stop hitting themselves in the head with a hammer.
Well I do find it of interest that the bottom of the post it says "Plaintiffs' Exhibit 14".

I must assume it is part of the summary judgment and it was also mention in the press release. If I was one of you FLOPS guys then I would be more concerned by my management than the IBT or some union.
Merlin, err, Aspiring, err, Tumlin....

I don't see many complaints about management. I hear of little problems on the road, but you show me someone who works for the perfect company, and I'll show you a lying a$$hole.

These tools involved in the lawsuit filed this over a year ago. Why do you keep bringing this up? I have yet to see any management complaints about Options. They are treating us fairly. As I said earlier, every company has it's little problems, Options is no different. But we don't create an uproar about management and start trying to call in the girls from IBT to solve them.

You are a real jerkoff for posting all this crap.
Aspiring to Be.

The infromation you posted was not part of the MOTION for summary judgement orginially posted. It is perhaps an attached document to the MOTION for Summary Judgement. It was not part of a press release. Be mindful, what you are speaking of is a MOTION for Summary Judgement. The Judge has not ruled on the aspects of the suit. Again, it is foolhardy and naive to consider the case won before it really begins. The MOTION for Summary Judgement does nothing more than mark the end of the discovery phase. At this point, it is purely a matter of opinion as to what was discovered.

The grand exhibit 14 you posted is what you were given or were told to post by your IBT buds. It is not infromation preiviously made public.

You are at best disingenuous and at worst you are lying about the source of your information and the purpose of your post. If you must make a fool of yourself, at least be an honest fool.

I see your pitiful post as nothing more than a pathetic attempt to shape the facts to suit your side of the argument. A typical political move used by ALL who would attempt to attain a desired outcome.

It is possible you are attempting a pathetic fallacy by seeking to endow this grand exhibit 14 with human traits hoping to stir public sentiment to the point that it takes on a life of its own.

This is just one more outdated union organization tactic from an outdated union play book. Resentment of the IBT runs deep because of these tactics. I would encourage you to consider the damage to do to your casue.
Hard to believe but it is a fact!!

“ 1. is an excerpt from the press release that can be seen on this board and the RTA/FO board”

1. Discovery in the litigation revealed that Flight Options targeted the
pilots for firing. An e-mail circulated among its managers in March 2002
shows them scheming to manufacture grounds for terminating the
plaintiffs and stating that they needed to change the reasons for firing
Bowden because he had not yet attended an indoctrination session at
Flight Options headquarters. Bowden was not terminated until late June
2002 and the alleged grounds for discharge did not occur until months
after the March 2002 e-mail.

2. Below is from the summary judgment that can be seen on the RTA/FO board and is public record. . Now what did you say?

2. If Mr. (edited) testimony is not enough to extinguish any dispute that Flight Options was
targeting the Plaintiffs for union activity, a March 24, 2002 e-mail from Human Resource
manager Robert Sullivan shows conclusively that the Defendant manufactured a pretext for
firing the Plaintiffs. [Exh. 14]
Plaintiffs Brunet, Jeter, and Tumlin were purportedly terminated for their demeanor and
interaction with Flight Options staff at indoctrination sessions held for RTA pilots at Flight
Options headquarters in February and March of 2002.5/ Plaintiff Bowden, unlike the other
Plaintiffs, did not attend indoctrination until June 25-27, 2002. [Exh. 2, Bowden Tr. at 154.]
Before Flight Options sent out the final version of the termination letter, Mr. Sullivan and
other managers circulated drafts.6/ In his March 24, 2002 e-mail, Mr. Sullivan wrote regarding
the termination letter that “We also have to amend for Bowden, who has not visited HQ.” [Exh.
16.] The alleged incidents that were the grounds for Mr. Bowden’s termination did not arise,
however, until months after this email and did not involve his conduct at an indoctrination
session. [Exh. 9, Ricci Tr. at 125; Exh. 17, Salata Tr. at 200.]
5 Plaintiffs Brunet, Jeter, and Tumlin, each received identical termination letters dated
March 27, 2002 at their home, which read in pertinent part:
“Your recent visit to Flight Options headquarters allowed us to observe your
interaction with several of our staff, and gave us a chance to observe whether you
could embrace the policies, culture, and character of Flight Options...After
consideration, it is our judgment that you will be unable to meet Flight Options’
expectations in these respects, and that we will terminate your employment with
Flight Options effective immediately.”
[Exh. 16.]
6 Mr. Sullivan testified that the termination letters sent to Brunet, Jeter and Tumlin were
identical. [Sullivan Tr. at 92-94].
– 24 –
Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Ricci, and the other managers at Flight Options were plainly targeting
Bowden and the other Plaintiffs for termination. Their plan was to assert that the Plaintiffs
conducted themselves inappropriately at indoctrination. The foil in Flight Options’ plan was that
Mr. Bowden did not attend indoctrination in March with the others, requiring the managers to
“amend for Bowden” and fabricate a different pretext for firing him.7/

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