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Can someone tell me the "GoJet" story?

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I.P. Freley said:
Well... One former GoJet captain I know is now an FO for Continental Airlines. Kinda torpedoes THAT theory.

Just because a couple make it out? Some surely will but others will have their names marked for a long time. There are companies that if their pilots decide your not going to work there, no interview. So far as pilots who do interviews, do really think all those guys are managment kool aide drinkers? Those guys know too.

Sure some will make it through but do you really want to miss your oppurtunity to fly for UPS just because you wanted to skirt the senority system?

Pilots tend to be rather focused and once you get in the crosshairs, you stay for a while. All the GoJet guys will remain there for me. I won't forget.
GO-Jet was actually formed to circumvent the scope restrictions of AA, and APA. The 50 seat restriction wouldn't allow them to grow for UAL. The GO-Jet is a crisis that all unions should be aware of and make sure they have concrete scope restrictions and guarantees against whip-saw tactics. This is the fault of ALPA as much as management. They need to use their "powers" and fix language in the CBA's of each represented union.
Sad state of affairs, I left Hulas's control in '99. Never been happier.

curtaindriver said:
GO-Jet was actually formed to circumvent the scope restrictions of AA, and APA. The 50 seat restriction wouldn't allow them to grow for UAL. The GO-Jet is a crisis that all unions should be aware of and make sure they have concrete scope restrictions and guarantees against whip-saw tactics. This is the fault of ALPA as much as management. They need to use their "powers" and fix language in the CBA's of each represented union.
Sad state of affairs, I left Hulas's control in '99. Never been happier.


Unfortunately, ALPA did try to fix the scope language at TSA/TSH/g0jet.
Our MEC convinced 75% of us to vote down a contract that had Holding Company language in it. Alpa national definately wanted us to vote yes, but our renegade MEC officers had other plans that have since been flushed down the toilet by the NMB.
The ironic thing is that most guys who voted NO are happy with the decision they made and the precedence we set for other companies to follow.
I believe it is virtually impossible to get TSA and G0JET together as one seniority list.

Whatever happens it is going to be worse than the g0jet contract that we voted down.

Say what you want, time will tell.
Shrek said:
The scope language in the proposed LOA was still too loose UEJ500.........

Can you quote what is was, if I remember right it said that all flying done by TRANS STATES HOLDINGS will be done by the pilots at TRANS STATES AIRLINES.

The "loose" parts that sunk it were:

1. COLA was to go from 2.5% to 1.5%
Not bad, what is it that we are getting now? NOTHING!!!

2. Furlough protection for the g0jet pilots that were already on the property.
Not as many pilots as they have now

The facts are that we needed to get that alter ego roped in and we failed to do it. Life is different now and we have no leverage.

In my opinion, we need to get one pilot list to ensure that TSA will be around for a while. I don't think this MEC will be able to do what it takes to get g0jet and TSA one pilot group. It needs to happen but I don't think they have what it takes.

Sorry to disagree with you, but the fact remains that we lost when we voted no.
I respect your opinion but in my opinion.......we did the right thing. We do not have a rogue MEC with ther own agenda-------get involved and get your opinions heard.

In any case.......this place is NOT the place to be..........
I.P. Freley said:
Well... One former GoJet captain I know is now an FO for Continental Airlines. Kinda torpedoes THAT theory.

Now there's an outfit with a proud history in organized Labor for you.....
regionaltard said:
Now there's an outfit with a proud history in organized Labor for you.....
I made no comment on the quality of Continental's history with labor, just that working for GoJets does not lock you out of a job at a major.

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