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Bye, bye Netjets, hello XOJET

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Before we were furloughed I noticed ALOT of the lockers no longer stocked many many items......If I remember, deodorant and floss were two of the items I could never seem to find anymore
Oh man, the secrets he has already shared are amazing! We are well on our way to being the most awesome pilots ever! ;)
New plates seem to work but haven't seen the dental kits. In fact, the lav amenities have been disappearing from the plane for months (or just not restocked).


I hope that that is conveyed to Owner services when you get your annual owner questionaire. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Might send him a case of dental floss and tampons in response.
I'm gonna go with RightGuard....
That is classified information, I'm going to report it. :laugh:

I hope that that is conveyed to Owner services when you get your annual owner questionaire. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Bingo. We can scream until we're blue in the face. If an owner mentions it even in passing, it will get fixed.
I noticed how nobody's addressed XOJET in this thread. I think it's a pretty good sign for them. They're pilfering people from an "industry leader". I really wonder about our model. XOJET is sitting on a lot of cash, they're young (labor cost,) they're buying ac in a deflated market place, exploiting new markets (India,) and they don't have near the overhead we do. But I could just be a disgruntled furloghee who'd love to work overthere.

Quesion for NJAowner. Have you run the numbers on XOJET?

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