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Sorry for being repetitive, but I just noticed this:
bart said:
Oh, I get it, you are an individual and conservatives are one big group that all think the same. I can inderstand that, simple minds generally have to force complex and varied things into large, homogenous groups in order to not challenge their simplistic and illogical worldview.
You really expect me to believe that you don't see liberals as "one big group that all thinks the same."

I may be simple-minded...anything's possible! However, I am not a hypocrite. That's a quality you have a monopoly on.
You did say that people who watch FOX are stupid
siucavflight said:
Typhoon, you did say that people who watch FOX are stupid
As did about ten or fifteen other people in this forum. Are they pathetic simpletons too?

I guess you're right and everybody else is wrong, huh?

(A lot of people watch Jerry Springer, too. They don't all take it seriously.)

You just go out and play with Michael Moore and Al Franken.

Us grown-ups will call you when dinner is ready.
bart said:
Us grown-ups will call you when dinner is ready.
Wow. How long did it take you to come up with that? :D

Bart, I was irritated by this thread until I realized that you're really a very small man. You accuse others of behaving the very way you behave...like a bully who instigates fights and screams that the other boy started it. You're idea of reasoned debate is "you're pathetic" and "grow up." You're not worthy of any degree of respect...or my time.

In the words of Barbara Bush, "I'm through with you."
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Let me clarify one thing. I do not think that you are stupid because of where you choose to get your news from. I watch FOX news, you watch CNN. What ever network you watch you should understand where the reporting is coming from so that you can make your own informed judgement. I know FOX has a right slant to it so i take that into consideration when watching it. And you should realize that when you watch CNN they are coming at you with a left slant.
Many people use the same argument that you do, compared to FOX CNN seems far left only because of how far right FOX is. When in fact FOX came about because people wanted a network that did not tilt to the left like CNN.
Please do not call people who watch FOX stupid, when you do that you seem like you are toting the line that so many of the hollywood liberals do, and i am sure that we can all agree that the Michael Moores, and alec baldwins are so out of touch with reality that their opinions do not really matter at all. Today I read a quote of michael moores
"The passengers on the hijacked jets of 9/11 were scaredy cats because they were white. If they were black they would have been like no little short guy with a small knive will hijack my airplane." What in the hell is that? All that i am saying is that if you want to have a intelligent conversation about politics dont dismiss the other side as "stupid"
Okay, let me clarify some things.

First, I don't watch CNN. I watch MSNBC. To be quite honest, I don't really care for any of the major television news outlets. I get tired to the "fluff." (Do any of you all really care about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's wedding?) Out of CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, the latter seems to work harder at presenting a professional image.

Second, you're taking an offhand remark I made about USAToday and turning it into "people who watch Fox are stupid." I didn't say that. Another pilot expressed disdain that USAToday, the MacDonalds of newspapers, is so widely read, and finished with the thought, "but what do you expect when so many people watch Fox news?" or words to that effect. I agreed with him...I agreed that the majority of Americans will unfortunately accept their news from the source that challenges them the least. And you have to admit, Fox is not very challenging. (By the way, I never miss a USAToday crossword puzzle.)

Third, I'm not a fan of Michael Moore. I'm not a fan of any extremists. People like him and Martin Sheen (whom I like as an actor) harm the credibility of liberal philsosphy...just as Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson damage the credibility of conservative philosophy. (I know what you're thinking: "Al Franken is an extremist." No, not really. Read the book.)

I said before I'm neither a liberal nor a conservative...and it's a fact that's difficult to defend. To you, I look like a liberal. To Mike Moore, I'm sure I look like a conservative.

If I've come off as arrogant, I apologize. Political discussions bring out the worst in me. Ask around; I'm really not that bad a guy!
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