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Bush Resignation Hailed By World Leaders

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Typhoon1244 said:
Regards (which we all know you don't mean),

Dude, if you search, you'll find that I sometimes leave off the "regards".

This will be one of those times.

Sorry, enigma, I just can't stay away! I'll try to make this the last one, though.

100LL, you're a marvel. You have absolutely no sense of irony whatsoever.

Here's the difference between you and me: I love our country the way an adult loves his mother...with great caring and support, but knowing that they haven't always been right (eg. slavery, Indian affairs, U.S.S. Maine, Korea, Chile and Pinochet, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, the environment, etc, etc.). You and the other FoxNews conservatives love our country the way a four year old loves his mother: mommy is good, everything she does is good, and anyone who says otherwise is bad.

Very few things are that black-and-white...just ask Nixon. :D

Okay, I've had it with politics for a while. Discussions like this are like masterbation...without the big payoff at the end.
[ I love our country the way an adult loves his mother...with great caring and support, but knowing that they haven't always been right
Typhoon, i just want to point out out something, what you said was not a "Typhoon original" like you may want us all to believe. It was a quote from Real Time with Bill Mahr last week. I just want everybody to know that you are not that creative. I pity you, stealing someone elses quote to make your point. Very sad
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Oh, my, yes, I indeed did categorically state the US has never been at fault. I have been outed. I distinctly remember saying so. So gracious of you to point it out.

The point? The US has done a better job than most, if not all nations in promoting freedom. Perfect, no. Trying, yes.

Irony? I know irony when I see it. I don't see any here.

Soooo... the fact that i don't find simply personally bashing politicians of any stripe humorous means I can't get the joke? The joke isn't funny, mister. I feel like an adult standing amongst a group of 10-year-olds cackling over bathroom humor.

I guess my taste in humor is more sophisticsted. Don't get me wrong - I might like arguing politics, but I see little humor in it. Mostly I see chaos. That may be humorous to some, I guess.

BTW: The entertainment value (and instructional too) of jerking a leftie's chain (which you may or may not be) never really diminishes for me - the response is so predictable.

The constant assumptions and accusations about conservatives never changes.

Pattern goes like this-

Liberal: States opinion

Conservative: Challenges opinion

Liberal: Flings accusation at conservative that has almost nothing to do with the topic at hand. Name-calling substitutes for reasoned debate, and topic is diverted.

Conservatives occasionally stoop to this behavior (as I will periodically) but for liberals it is the only trick they know.

The funniest part is that they don't understand that many conservatives take their disapproval as validation that we are on the correct path.

Keep the flames coming. Bell the cat, you know.
siucavflight said:
Typhoon, i just want to point out out something, what you said was not a "Typhoon original" like you may want us all to believe. It was a quote from Real Time with Bill Mahr last week.
Actually, it was originally written by Al Franken, and I don't have it memorized so I was paraphrasing. I don't get HBO so I didn't see the Bill Mahr show. I'm not sure if Mahr was invoking it--as I was--or if he merely came to the same conclusion on his own.

Forgive me. I was using the Ann Coulter method...making statements without documenting them. I'll include footnotes next time. :D The funny thing is that I'd considered adding the phrase "as Al Franken once said...", but decided it was uncessary because I thought someone might argue the merits of the sentiment instead of screaming "plagiarism!"

In any case, it's still true...regardless of who said it first!

Now, do you have anything of value to add to the discussion, siucavflight?
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100LL... Again! said:
Irony? I know irony when I see it. I don't see any here.
The entertainment value (and instructional too) of jerking a leftie's chain (which you may or may not be) never really diminishes for me - the response is so predictable. Pattern goes like this-

Liberal: States opinion
Conservative: Challenges opinion
Liberal: Flings accusation at conservative that has almost nothing to do with the topic at hand. Name-calling substitutes for reasoned debate, and topic is diverted.

Conservatives occasionally stoop to this behavior (as I will periodically) but for liberals it is the only trick they know.
See? You don't understand irony! The pattern you just described certainly exists, but the roles are reversed!

It goes like this...

Conservative: Iraq is the real enemy. We must attack Iraq.

Liberal: But Iraq doesn't appear to be an immediate threat. Wouldn't our time be better served hunting for Bin Laden and his cronies?

Conservative: You're a bleeding-heart liberal anti-American homosexual communist! (Or as Bill O'Reilly says, "shut up!")

So yeah, I see the humor in stuff like this. It's funny when someone behaves a certain way, then accuses his opponent of that behavior. You hope that nobody notices such duplicity...but we do.
The funniest part is that they don't understand that many conservatives take their disapproval as validation that we are on the correct path.
The reverse is true, as well.
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46Driver said:
Being a liberal...
Who says I'm a liberal? I don't like Democrats either, big man. If this thread had been titled "Bill Clinton: Best President Ever," I'd be the first one saying "hold on a minute, there!" Just because I think George W. is a disaster of a president doesn't automatically make me a liberal.

Besides, Flywithastick says conservatives don't categorize people. Only liberals do that...so I guess you're a liberal too! :D
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Aren't we touchy...... Actually, in some cases I am quite liberal, in others I am a very conservative. George W. wasn't my first choice as President either - I rather liked Senator McCain (actually met him in person at Dulles and jokingly called him a squid - he started laughing and called me a typical Jarhead)

The main reasons I ended up supporting Bush was because of the NRA and who he would pick for the Supreme Court. As for 2004, I won't know who I am going to support until I see who the Democrats nominate but one thing going through my mind is that if the Democrats do win in 2004, Hillary (the antichrist) won't be able to run until 2012. :)
Did you just say that you were making statements without documenting them like Ann Coulter? I do not know if you have ever read one of here books but they are filled with documentaion throughout the entire book.
Glad to know that you do not think that Clinton was the best president ever. The only reason why Clinton was so popular is because Regan set the economy perfectly for him. Clinton took advantage of this and rode the bubble that Regan created. Then he popped it at the end of his Presidency so that Bush could not be credited with it.
To call Bush a disaster of a president right now is not fair. Is he? Maybe, but only history will tell. Maybe he has prevented us for many terrorists attacks, maybe he hasnt. Maybe the economy will turn around because of his policies, maybe it wont. My point is that you can never tell how successful a president was untill he is long out of office. Do you think that Lincoln was very popular while he was still in office, he split the country in two and had Americans killing other Americans (If you can call slave owners Americans).

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