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Brokeback Mountain Pilots

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well, my girlfriend dragged me to that movie today, i might add she drags me to romance movies...and i go because she wants to see them, and i drag her to movies she does not like. But what i got out of te movie....not much....but then i do beleive that i do not care what other people do...and if your life is so pathetic that you must hate someone for being different than you.....well, you do not deserve to be living in a free society......and justifying killing someone for who they like....might as well kill them for believing in a differnt god...or....being a differnet color....its all senseless...and if it were up to me...those responsible for such a killing....should be fed to the pigs......after being shot.....ofcourse...less ignorance in our society...more freedom...

Oh and by the way....if you do not like someone, you do not have to hang out with them....oh, and i hate the term hate crime......and i hate politically correct terms..... and if you do not like gays...then you should not be a pilot...hahahahaha..because where are you going to find alot of gay males.....ummmmm...survey says......male flight attendants.....get a life and worry about why you are in a industry that an educated person starts out and continues to make less than a non professional person with a high school diploma....
kngarthur said:
I know! I HATE homos. I hate them with their soft skin, and long silky hair. Why back in the day we used to take homos fu#k them in their a$$. That would show them!
You forgot about their supple lips..... Ummm, did I say that out loud? I mean I was kidding, I was kidding. Those sinners skipping up and down the ramp switching from side to side. Shame on them. Gotta go, the Fru-tata I'm preparing is almost done and I have some sconces that need putting up on my beautiful earth toned walls. The VW Cabriolet needs washing too.
Crossky said:
Good point, but have you ever, while minding your own business taking a dump, been told by a stranger in a bathroom that "I'm ready to suck"? I have. It's not an enjoyable experience.

Whether a person is straight or not, there is an accepted protocol involved in meeting and talking to the person you're interested in.
G200's computer is broke and he called and asked if I would post an apoligy to you Crossky. He said he had no idea you were actually taking a dump or he would have just waited until you were done.
buckwheat said:
I just don't understand how the liberal hollywood folk can put out a movie like this. Cowboys that worked as hands were not flamers and I am tired of hollywood shoving this shi* down our throut and trying to portray this as factual event.

Wow dude...look at the pic you have in your avatar...nope, no stereo types there...can't have it both ways! oh, wait, that's what you're upset about...lol...
Crossky said:
Good point, but have you ever, while minding your own business taking a dump, been told by a stranger in a bathroom that "I'm ready to suck"? I have. It's not an enjoyable experience.

Whether a person is straight or not, there is an accepted protocol involved in meeting and talking to the person you're interested in.

I don't know what would gross me out more, the fact that I just did a doodie in a public restroom or having some random dude hitting on me. I hope you went home and took a scalding hot shower and scrubbed real good with some of that Irish Spring. Clean as a whistle!
TinGoose1 said:

Is that two french soldiers in your avatar, or is that you in your CAP uniform playing airsoft?
Hehehehehehe, Airsoft...I got something soft for ya.
I guess that flying with a gay pilot gives new meaning to term "coupled approach," huh?


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