What we are seeing today is exactly what regulation was intended to do. Lower airfares and force uncompetitive and inefficient companies out of the marketplace. Unfortunately, I don't think that anyione really thought it would take this long. It really shows how entrenched the major airlines were in the marketplace. In the end, airfares will rise and the efficient and well run companies will be around to reap the beneits. Unfortunately a few more will go the way of Braniff, Pam Am and other early derugulation casualties
No one inteneded deregulation to be a benefit or a boon to airline employees. That was never a goal. It was strictly for the consumer and the economy.
Unfortunately, It has taken me this long to figure it out.
No one inteneded deregulation to be a benefit or a boon to airline employees. That was never a goal. It was strictly for the consumer and the economy.
Unfortunately, It has taken me this long to figure it out.
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