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Bombardier to sell 120 planes to NETJETS???

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I'll explain it to you. As far as I can find, there hasn't been a case taken to court yet to determine if a "covered employee" is required to be a member of a union to get that protection. (BW agreed that that is the central question that will need to be answered) Literally, that's the million dollar question.

Nowhere in the McCaskill-Bond amendment does it say anything about a contract being required. If you'd read it, you'd know that. It's pretty clear that isn't even a player in the discussion.

That's the difference in our posts. I'm discussing something that really hasn't been settled by case law yet and is open to interpretation. You are posting pure nonsense just because you need attention. I'm done giving it to you.

As to the union question - it's simple. I think our industry and our pilots would be better off if Flex were unionized. I'd like to see Citation Air and Avantair unionized. That basic position is true regardless of this mental masturbation we're involved in about a possible M/A with Flex.
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It's not nonsense at all. What I've said is what most people think but they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. What part of wha I said is nonsense Griz? Every fractional pilot here that works at Flex, CS, or Avantair has had YEARS to organize and secure contracts. There were plenty of pilots who wanted to but they always hit brick walls with their fellow pilots who didn't want anything to do with unions. We've all seen numerous pilots here expressing their thoughts as to why unions were such a bad idea. I wasn't till this latest article came out that pilots stopped for a minute and thought about their grim future. I compare this to a small country waiting until they get attacked to try and get an army together. The bottom line is that it's just too late IF an announcement is right around the corner. That's the part you seem to miss in every one of my posts. I said IF it's right around the corner.

The rest of you last post is nothing more than your next campaign platform. Its to be totally expected. Come in looking like a hero and a REAL pilots advocate and then showing your true colors.
I feel sorry for the Flexjet pilots if this actually happens. Having to put up with G200 over here is bad enough. Add in the union forum and it's cruel and unusual punishment. Ask any NetJet pilot to name the 5 biggest idiots we have and his name will make every list.
Now THAT'S funny right there. So in other words, you can't argue what I'm saying but you just don't like it so you're left with throwing personal attacks out. That's great fun. The majority of what people have a problem with when it comes to my posts are how straight forward they are. Bu we've all seen guys like you plenty of times. When you realize the argument isn't going your way, the only left to do is attack on a personal level. Trust me bud, that's not going to make me stop posting. You may not like what I'm saying here but the truth is sometimes a really hard pill to swallow. I'm not walking on eggshells for anyone here. If it comes down to out furloughees or another pilot group, you know which side I'll fight for. It's sad you don't feel the same.
Hey G200, I think flex is not a union shop because we don't enjoy working with people like you. We are different. So keep on banging on your union drum and dreaming about how you all can staple us so as to bring back your union brothers and sisters. They are more important arent they, because they're union? right? Your "its all about me" attitude is repulsive. Have a nice day.
Yes they ARE more important and if you're going to put something in quotes, make it "It's all about US NJASAP guys... furloughed or active!"
Unionized pilots, unionized teachers, unionized TSA, etc. It's pretty simple to observe how any union eventually evolves....turn on your TV and see your fine bro's and sistah's acting like the goons they have become in Wisconson. All I ask of my Flexjet bro's and sista's is to be careful what you ask for...your best protection in this world sits on your shoulders.
G200 et al, I hear what you're saying and under different circumstances I might even be inclined to agree with some of your points.*****

But I think there is information you need to consider...

Organizing has always been a topic of interest for a fair portion of flex pilots and that group has, in the past, been vocal enough to the point that it has always given management the upper hand in organizing their own FUD campaign. *****

So, these interested pilots, nudged in part by ENOUGH ALREADY and honestly too by some of the positive legal and procedural changes in the card count process, *****have decided to begin to organize under stealth. *****They were taking every caution to keep this info out of the hands of management or "torpedo" factions within the pilot group.

These latest effort has been going on FOR MONTHS quietly under the radar until just a few weeks ago. *****The discussions with IBT didn't just start as a result of the latest press releases and quite honestly the 120 jet purchase is but ONE of the many issues, albeit a very concerning one. *****What those others issues are could take up many many posts. *****

The gist is whether or not the sky falls, whether or not an M&A is in the future is irrelevant to the unionization process at Flex - the interest was generated before and will continue despite whatever happens of this order, and IF that order even happens as there is plenty of history to say a press release isn't a signed check...

So I've been trying to stay out of it, I don't want to muddy the waters with my presence as I can sometimes cause people to stray from the point, but I thought you'd like to know some of the facts.

Y'all have no idea of how serious it is this time and this time, with the way abstention votes are handled versus the last time, we should have a fighting chance.
Oh, and legally speaking, I think the efforts of organization and the formation of a union / negotiating committee WILL provide protection, even without a CBA so there's a rebuttal to that point. *****I would think it would be disadvantageous *****to MANAGEMENT not pilots to drag out the negotiation process when we get to that point. *****INTENT not contract has been getting it's fair share in court for years... *****Not saying it's right, but it's just a fact...

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