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BK Judge points to DAL union busting

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The US is going to a third-world employment ethos. George Bush is the major cheerleader for that movement. Him and his Chinese thug friends in power now.

For the management elite and politicians, it's get everything you can as fast as you can and forget about tomorrow . . . they'll be other companies to rape. Just do it fast. Loot and go.

American labor needs to understand that long-term stable employment is a thing of the past. You need to be like the executives . . . get everything you can as fast as you can, then leave. Don't worry about doing a good job, just feign the appearance of caring anc concern, then blame somebody else for your own avarice and incompetence.
Publishers said:
In a no forgiveness hard core world, Delta failed. If there were no BK court, if there were no secured priority lenders, there would be no Delta, no Delta jobs, No Delta airlines. There would be no General Lee debates, no discussions at all. All these people would have been looking for work and the deal Delta offers not so bad.

Actually, you don't know that any of that is true with regard to your premise. If there were no BK courts in the country, it is likely that there would be no UAL, or USAir. Then, things might have worked out differently for Delta. The picture changes even more if you go back to the CAL days with no BK courts. Then maybe UAL and USAir stick around. Someday, even my company could or could not be affected by BK court. You can't say that Delta would not be around if there were no BK courts, because you would have to skew the time/space continuum from whereever the BK courts ceased to exist.

--glad to be gone
General Lee said:
I think this line describes Publishers to a tee:

"Frankly, I think you have a bias here," "It's a personal bias against the pilots."

You really seem to be a management plant, or a know it all who reads a lot of books (hence the Publishers name).

Bye Bye--General Lee

scopeCMRandASA said:
The picture changes even more if you go back to the CAL days with no BK courts.

There most certainly was a bankruptcy court with CAL. It is interesting that todays ALPA carriers who were screaming the loudest back then for us to fall on our swords and "take one for the team" are folding like cheap suits today.
Boeingman said:
There most certainly was a bankruptcy court with CAL. It is interesting that todays ALPA carriers who were screaming the loudest back then for us to fall on our swords and "take one for the team" are folding like cheap suits today.

That wasn't my point. My point was that this person acts as if Delta should be thankful that there are BK courts as Delta would not be around without them. My point was that there have been weaker carreirs out there who have been helped along by BK --and in turn have weakened Delta. EAL and Pan Am went away as they were weaker. CAL was saved by the BK process, without it, they would have gone away and left healthier carriers in their wake. I was merely telling him that you cannot by itself say that without BK, Delta would be gone. You have to go all the way back to the very first airlines which went into BK, and be able to see what would have happened subsequently had they not been allowed to go through reorganization. Nothing more nothing less.

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