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Beechcraft Baron!

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I am forced to agree. I've got about 100 hours in the C55 model as student and as instructor. I've also got about 600 hours as a 135 PIC and as an instructor in the 58 model. Fast, repsonsive, agile, reliable, and great single engine performance. I like to refer to them as the sports car of aviation, whereas a Navajo would be a minivan and a Caravan would be a Mack truck.
I did my multi and initial ATP in the Travel Air, a little before the Baron, and really liked the airplane. Even if it was a little underpowered.

Does anybody feel me on this or what?

I'd really rather not, if it's all the same to you.
BE95, the Baron before it was a Baron

avbug said:
I did my multi and initial ATP in the Travel Air, a little before the Baron, and really liked the airplane. Even if it was a little underpowered.

I got about 300 hours instructing in the BE95 travelair, what a beautiful airplane to fly. It was lacking in performance, especially flying in the desert SW, but handled like a dream (even with the big throttles in the middle, inbetween the props and mixtures). Beech definately had the right idea when they put bigger engines on a great airframe and made the Baron.
Did my multi in a B55, every time I got in it I got shivers and couldn't stop the sh!t eatin grin that was from ear to ear the entire flight. Greatest plane EVER? possibly! Best sounding engines, always recognizable everywhere, G-d's little rocket ship. I will own one some day. (Unless I can afford a PC-12, but that gets us into the dream plane thread)

Back to the Baron... thank you Beech
I couldn't agree more. I flew cargo in old 58's and by far it is my favorite airplane that I have ever flown. The feel of the controls is unmatched, and I love the sound of those engines at idle. I can't wait to own one someday.
I really enjoyed flying the BE58 - great control feel and I love the way the cockpit is laid out. But the head room is kind of lacking for me.
The BE 56 TC burned about 40 gph in cruise. Around 80 gph for take off!! Fun to fly. Not fun to refuel.

There is so much torque produced that the left main wheel strut is compressed at the start of the takeoff roll, so you are going down the runway listing to the left.
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