I know a guy who threw his hook out too soon and it bounced off the ground and over the horizontal stab. I know another guy who somehow got the hook caught on the rudder horn...when he picked up the banner he said he got full rudder deflection...but landed safely. Same guy said another guy working with him got killed because of hook & cable getting caught in flight controls.
Like I said, one would have to be a complete idiot to do those things. Throwing the hook close enough to the ground that it could bounce? Idiotic. Tossing and getting it looped through the rudder horn? Foolish, but possible...but failing to look back and check it and failing to have a ground crew and signals to confirm that he's got a clear good hook prior to the pickup...inexcusable. Friend of a friend...especially the friend who did something stupid having a friend who did something stupid...seems they're grouping together. Stand clear of that group.