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B-737 Type w/ SIC restriction

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At my airline, there is very little difference between the Sim training the SIC gets and the PIC gets, (or the checkride) so I wouldn't denigrate the SIC type . . . . . . but I would not answer an airline application question, "Do you have a type rating in the aircraft?" with a 'yes'.

I think the main difference on the PIC ride is that the PIC must perform a single-engine missed approach, whereas the SIC has to bone it up in order to make one! :laugh:;):laugh::laugh:
I don't believe it's my responsibility to try and determine what the airline 'means' by each question on their app. If they want to know if I have a type rating without SIC limitations, they can ask that question. I've seen a few that ask 'do you have a XXX type rating with PIC time (or PIC qualification)'.

Bottom line: On your license, under 'ratings', the aircraft is listed. If the app asks about limitations, just be honest. The airlines are familiar enough with SIC limitations on types to know what questions to ask on the app.
I don't believe it's my responsibility to try and determine what the airline 'means' by each question on their app.

Then I hope you are currently employed with the airline you plan on retiring at, because with that attitude you will likely not make it past the app stage. Bottom line: It is absolutely your responsibility to determine exactly what an airline 'means' by each question, in spite of how the pin-head in HR decided to word the app. Not saying I agree with it, but that's how the game is played.

Funny....that's the very thing that FI used to be good for! :D
Bottom line: It is absolutely your responsibility to determine exactly what an airline 'means' by each question, in spite of how the pin-head in HR decided to word the app. Not saying I agree with it, but that's how the game is played.

Yepper . . . . Unfortunate, but 100% true.
Taxiing, ground ops, aborts, no flap visual. Checked, not just trained.

I had almost forgotten about that stuff, and here you go, opening those old wounds again . . . . . Looks like it's gonna be another liquid breakfast, where's the worcestershire and the tabasco????!! :laugh:

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