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Awa Merger

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Filkster said:
Yeah whatever.... I won't argue this since 1. it's Mesa and not worth the effort.

Mesa and not worth the effort....don't hold back ...tell us how you really feel
Gotta love that PHL attitude:rolleyes:

2. If you can't do the math with the J4J program and added airframes versus upgrades that would never happen anyway.

Oh, really clairevoient one ..can you give me the numbers for the next Powerball Lottery ,then?


UAL78, you stole my post for sure. Whats funny is that I don't even have an axe to grind about this and neither do you. Deep down I guess its none of my business if the US AW horde ties down the poor AWA pilots and beats them with a club. But I do care.

Its funny that you are making this personal. Why do you assume that anyone wants to work at UAL? Your company is a whos who list of incompetent CEO's and abject inept leadership.

Your only chance is to have a group buy out your company and forcibly remove the management group lock stock and barrel. Short of that, you've got some professionals who would have trouble guiding a lemonade stand to profitability, even with free lemons.

Why you would be so delusional as to believe anyone would want to be there now is beyond me. Not the envy of the industry but the joke. You're there because you're too old to go anywhere else. They took your retirement, much of your pay, ESOP Chernobyled, and they're not done yet. You're along for the ride my friend. I see no reason for you to have a pompous attitude. None at all.

Post hijacked for my reply to this "gentleman"

Hello, my hot-headed friend. It's UAL78, one of the jokes of FlightInfo.com. It's said that perception is reality. It must be quite a world through your eyes. I wonder which of the low-lifes that I permanently banned that you've morphed into? I ban posters who cross the line of propriety or simply can't disagree without being disagreeable. I don't ban people who believe they speak the truth unless it becomes potentially legally perilous to the owner of the Board or for the two reasons discussed above.

So I'll let your rant and perception of me stand. I really couldn't care less what you think of me or my airline. Judging by your demeanor and your philosophy, you're simply not worth the time or effort.

By the way, what were the dates of your two UAL interviews where you were turned down? Now, run along and don't forget to add some O2 to the mix. It sounds like you're in serious need of some professional help.

Post away, junior- just abide by the rules.

And 321 Bus driver wonders why I think so highly of the USAir folks. Oh well.......


Prior to your edit, your post had a little more bite. Why pull the punch? Tell us how you really feel.

10 years at a USAir WO? Dude, I'd be even more belligerent than you are! That must have sucked!

Keep up the good work!

And, as always: Happy Windfall!
nitrogen said:
I ban posters who cross the line of propriety or simply can't disagree without being disagreeable.

The moderators let you ban yourself? That is just weird.
BeCareful! said:
Keep up the good work!

And, as always: Happy Windfall!


The smart-ass Happy Windfall! comment is what pisses me off about you.

The AWA pilot's don't want and don't expect a windfall. We want a proportional integration using ALPA merger policy as a guide.

It seems that a windfall to you is any agreement that doesn't return furloughed pilots back to the line using DOH/ratio integration.

This probably will not happen and it will not be a windfall for the AWA pilots.

As marko stated above, we are all so tunnel visioned right now that the 90 seaters will take over all of our flying as you are worrying about recall position and I'm trying to keep my job.

Except for the Doug Parker ass that posts on this board, please name one AWA pilot that is looking for a windfall?

I'm all ears!
Cactus73 said:
Except for the Doug Parker ass that posts on this board, please name one AWA pilot that is looking for a windfall?

I'm all ears!

Cactus -

Any and all of you that have repeated the "Your career expectations are ZERO" mantra, that's who.

Beyond that, it's not even worth explaining. You should know, what with your years of experience in this industry, that for you to be placed infront of over 1500 pilots, all of whom were hired at US Airways (the new name for your airline) before you, will be quite a piece of good fortune for you. Furthermore, and most importantly, when our substantial retirements pull you to the left seat, in front of all those pilots (who were hired before you), your paycheck will reflect yet another bit of great luck.

As I fully expect this is your goal and a realistic assesment of your future, I'll say it again: Happy Windfall!
Crzipilot said:
And the mention of the 400 or so, is the number of individuals that have taken a j4j position. Which was basically a flow back, in which most of us are flying and shown as ACTIVE on the AAA certificate,

If you are shown as active then why are you flying a J4J position or "flow back" position? Guess what, they did this at CAL/COex and you know what those guys that "flowed back" were furloughed. Period! Let's face it. If you guys were not furloughed then you would not be at these J4J jobs etc.

So to help me understand, are you saying that you are listed as "Active" on your certificate or your seniority list at US Airways? One seems vitally more important than the other...
Quote by Be Careful:

"Beyond that, it's not even worth explaining. You should know, what with your years of experience in this industry, that for you to be placed infront of over 1500 pilots, all of whom were hired at US Airways (the new name for your airline) before you, will be quite a piece of good fortune for you."

Sir, you should know that without AWA those furloughs, along with the active USA pilots, would most likely have lost their jobs. You should look at it this way: AWA making this move is "quite a piece of good fortune for you"!

You can thank AWA later when all the dust has settled.

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