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say again said:
Hey now, so am I!!!! Not all Yankees are as reckless as this one:p .

Sorry bout that. Some of my best friends are yankees. Cueboat appears to be a Class III yankee...the worst of the bunch. You must be a Class I yankee....that's acceptable.
After hearing "the rest of the story" I take back everything I said about cutting you any slack..... And I apologize to AVBUG.... WHAT IN THE #$%# WHERE YOU THINKING PUTTING PASSENGERS IN A DAMAGED AIRPLANE... Gulfstream 200 was right.... A smack on the head might have put some sense into you... Your story looks like swiss cheese now.... Sorry dude... May want to think about a different line of work...
Is it really a good idea for you to get a taxi license believing that there is no responsibility. Being apilot is no doubt much more difficult but in the end you are still going to be responsible for someone else's life. Please go be a burger flipper instead.
my bad...maybe this individual could just be the guy that washes off the tables then and empties the trash...you are right definitely shouldn't be handling food either
I think he's gone....

on his way to the regionals...just got his new backpack....

"not my fault dude" "start paying me more and maybe I'll care"

Soon to have a blog about his entire pathetic life and pictures of himself rolling the RJ at 410.

:eek: .
Also no numerical value is placed upon an a/c to decide an accident. you also should read up 830[/QUOTE]

Well that is the first correct thing you have said, unfortunately your premise is wrong. NTSB 830.2 (The definitions section) that's the part that tells you what the term actually means, define both accident, substantial damage and you sir have both. Substantial damage means damage or failure which adversely affects the structural strength, performance characteristics, or flight characteristics of the aircraft. I suspect you meet all of those requirements with a bent wing. When you finish reading those definitions move over to the definition of an operator and you will find that the owner of that aircraft has an obligation to report that accident in spite of your ignorance.

Congrats on keeping your head and getting the aircraft back the first time. After that you were a dangerous fool

Take English's advice, drop the thread

By the way, if you are in search of a new career I would avoid law and engineering.

Last edited:
I was working for a realestate developer known as the*************** ave in Miami FL. Under the ********** are many companies.I was working specifcally for a co. called ******** which on paper is a Bahamian co. When I begun employemeent I signed a payment agreement for $27,000 stating they would pay me this for a years employment. About 6 weeks ago the co purchacased a Caravan to replace the chieftain I had been flying. I was supposed to go to Caravan FlightSeafety on Aug ****. On August *** I was flying the chieftain and was struck by lightning at about 4000agl, I lost vision for a few seconds and the airplane ended up inverted. I was sinking like a 7000lbs paper weight, I did what i had to to avoid taking a dirt nap in the atlantic ocean, which involded wrinkling the wings a bit. The co. wants the insurance to call it a total loss the insurance wants to repair it. 2 A&P say it can be fixed.I wish at the time I knew my fate but i was under the assumption everything was fine so I played nice with the insurance co., I wish i would have just walked away and made no claim to have been flying the A/C when it happened.(Part91) So this past thursday I am told I no longer have a job because i can't be insured due to my low total time. The boss then offered to help me find a job, I asked then if i could have a severance package and i'll look for my own job. He agrees and we agree to meet on monday. Keep in mind i moved from NYC to Miami for this job. Monday rolls around we meet, long story short he says he is giving me nothing, i pull out my contract and show him he owes me $23,000, he snatches it from my hand and steals it from me. He claims it is really his because i made the copy on his copy machine. At this point I decide i won't win.

Did you end up with a accident or any other dirt on your record? The regionals are hiring if your even interested in them.
Gulfstream 200 said:
I think he's gone....

on his way to the regionals...just got his new backpack....

"not my fault dude" "start paying me more and maybe I'll care"

Soon to have a blog about his entire pathetic life and pictures of himself rolling the RJ at 410.

:eek: .

Ahhh... I was gonna say something like, "c'mon, we aren't ALL like that..." and then I realized that, yeah, the vast majority are.

For the record, I'M not like that though... :)
I've been up late getting kids to bed. A few more cueboat classics, all from within a few months previous to his thunderstorm-lightening-wing-bending-anti-dirt-nap-loop:

Flying powersettings is poor technique btw, you should be targeting an airspeed. Who the heck cares what the power is set to?

you will not be discriminated against for flying bizjets by the majors. Especially if you plan on doing it for 8 years, by then you will more than likely have reached equipment like a Global,G550,BBJ etc. Which is good expierence to move to an airline from.

why not look it up in part 121? I would look it up for you,but my copy is 900 miles away.

well, since a jet doesnt have a throttle body in the engine this is why the "go" lever isnt called a throttle. The thrust lever adds thrust hence the name.

I think you can log it, but is considered phantom flight time by most. I had to set a punk FO in a beech 200 straight recently for talking down to me cause I fly a piston twin single pilot. As if being SIC in a B-200 is the most sought after flight experience.

(Edit: Note--posted July 6, 2005...seems this navajo job lasted not quite two months...)

I started about a week ago flying a chieftain for a real estate development co. To bimini and to nassua from opa locka. 3 days a week 9-5 schedule!!! They pay for uni's conch fritters everyday etc. Pay is 30k to start. (Edit: Note--in this thread, he tells us his contract was for 27,000...seems he got demoted before the job ever started...)

(Edit: Note--posted just two months previous...)

Hello all, I have been toying with the idea of joining the AF once I graduate from college next may. I will be 3 months shy of 26 years old, I ofcourse would like to be flying an airplane.

(Edit: Note--This is the guy that's going to drive a taxi in NY, now that the airways are safe from his brand of terror?)

I am pretty sure a new york state drivers license isnt issued by the DOT, since it doesnt fall under Federal Law but state law. Anyone know for sure? the reason I ask is, I just filled out an insurance form asking if my FAA or DOT license has ever been suspended. I ended up checking the No box.My drivers license did get suspended once about 5 years ago, anyone know if this will effect the insurance much?

don't settle for anything less than 6 digits a year things are very $$$$$$$$$$ expensive in the NYC area. I know you have seen at least one episode of the apprentice.

(Edit: Isn't this what is referred to as the pot calling the kettle black?)

lightheart you are a whore, and please do not advance past an instrument rating. You have no business in commercial aviation.

Well if home is between palm beach and Miami, you should have no problem getting a job flying charter in a jet. there are easily 10 charter ops at fxe boca and palm beach alone. Also 1000 hours is considered high time in sofla.Plus you ahve some jet time. you will get a job.

(Edit: Note--More of that black pot and kettle stuff...)

more than likely because citations are slower. Someone once told me some garbage about the gear handle location, i don't buy that, who knows they may be right, stranger things have happened. A person could just as easily bend some metal in a citation single pilot as a person could in a lear, anyone know the real answer?

edit* **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** i type slow-tation

I once worked for a flight school that required a uniform.According to the owner the only reason he required a uniform was incase we wrecked a plane, atleast when the NSTB/FAA showed up it would look like at least somone in the plane might know what was going on. Heard it with my own ears.I won't lie I want to wear a UPS or a FedEx pilot uniform

hahaha Connie Kalitta sounds like one tough mofo

me too, crusty old teacher would not let me use the lav, Mrs.Green let that bitch rot in hell for that.

I am considering getting teh FE, I want to run the panel on a 747 classic or a DC-10 on a international flight one day.

I pray everynight I one day will fly the billabong clipper.

what is a wonderlick test?

i decided to finish college instead of cleaning the lav of a lear 55, i was there for 6 weeks and logged less than 3 hours.

Anyone have any input on getting a position draging rags this coming season in the ny/nj area?

working part time as a waiter while going to school full time, I now make more money in one day than I did for two weeks work flying a lear 55, god do I wish this was not true.

Florida Jet is top shelf all the way. You could eat off the landing gear of any of Terry's planes they are so clean. Trust me, I know. Its all about tough love in that hangar.

Who told you this? It is a safety pilot operation which is totally legal. Good old Ariben its not glamorous but definatley a fun place to work. Pay wasnt too bad either. Considering cost of living in Ft.pierce.

ARIBENAVIATOR.COM sure the planes are ratty and the facility is a dump, but you will have great training at the lowest price in the country with the most actual multi time.

I assuming no one died, so I found this funny, how coud you miss a DC-9 especially when its crashing when its your job to "control" airplanes

I wasn't even alive when regulation was in place, but it seems to me this is really the best situation for pilots. IMO all 121 opps should be run like the US postal service...

Anyone know if it's is possible to get a instructor job at a training center such as the one mentioned with zero airline experience? I wouldn't mind teaching forever as long as the pay is better than what a normal cfi. I'd expect they airline instructors are getting around 6 figures. Anyone know for sure?

im 6'4 and weight 185 and had a difficult time in the 55 getting in and out. once i was in it was fine. i'd imagime a 35 would be even tighter.

what exactly does prist do?

Is this a joke? Where I learned the mins were published on jepp plates

What?? i fly props?? what????


The best thing to use when you have to snap a duece on the fly is an empty tennis ball container. Its like a piece of tupperware.

well you might as well fly like a below average pilot if your paid like one

I guess i 'll just complete the CTI and be a pilot until i get called. If i'm stuck at some crappy regional i'll jump ship.

You my friend are correct, piming aint easy but it sure is fun.

Green is for the money and gold is for the honey.

All i know is that an a/c wings were bent for my life and I am fine with it.
AcroChik said:

I'll see your "Wow!" and raise you two! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Glad that dude's flying on the other side of the country...

A wonderful trip down 'stupid' Lane.

50 bucks says he figures out how to register under a new name like other famous icons have done in this forum.

I am relieved to read about him here and not in another 'official' publication. Probably would have been better for the owner of the plane. Insurance is scrutinizing every clause these days to avoid paying out. I would bet they rustle something up about 'pilot negligence' in the contract in order to screw the owner out of paying the claim and drive up his premiums.

IMHO, Cue... needs his toenails pulled off and his feet submerged in salt water. This would be the only way to relay the pain and anguish his actions have caused the owner of this company. He neither accounted accurately for what happened nor has he applied FAR Part 1 Definitions - PILOT IN COMMAND to his case where he clearly was the final authority as to the operation of the aircraft, where it allegedly encountered a thunderstorm and received a lightning strike. Nor has he repented for his mistakes just dribbled on about how everyone makes them! Every navajo I have ever flown had radar installed. Failure to utilize all available resources to meet the requirements of the flight by avoiding adverse weather is the responsibility of the PIC.

How about this one. At night, Eh? Didn't you see you were flying toward LIGHTning? In the Dark? 15 seconds of blindness... 180 degree roll inverted... that is 12 degrees per second! You would feel that and be doing something about it (or trying). Every PA31 I have seen has the Kentucky Fried Chicken 200 in it and will at least hold wings level. Why are you handflying? In Cruise?

This dog don't hunt.

Incredible research!!! And not to mention one the funniest post I've seen yet!!!
Hats off to AVBUG!!! That was funny... Real funny...
Just for the record, and stating what everyone has figured out. There was NO INDICATIONS of lightning strikes on the airplane. I am very familiar with that airplane and believe me, if you have a little static in your clothes, the radios won't work!! For all of those people out there that have heard "sure, you can roll a Chieftain, it's ONLY a 1G maneuver" ........ here is your motivation to NOT TRY THIS!!

I agree this guy is a "no-talent ass clown", but you need to get laid man. You must have spent at least an hour finding all those quotes.
AlabamaMan!! said:

I agree this guy is a "no-talent ass clown", but you need to get laid man. You must have spent at least an hour finding all those quotes.

Here Here! Avbug you are so correct. But, please go get the lead out of those old veins.
I was recently informed about this site and forum but have heard quite a bit about the "incident" and am familiar with the aircraft and the owners. It seems that he has given up on the matter, good for him. He was doing nothing but making matters worse for himself with every response. Yes, he did another trip knowing what happened. Poor judgement to put it nicely. And yes, the owners are a bunch of buttheads without a clue of how to operate aircraft. Thank goodness noone was hurt or worse. Just had to add my two cents worth.
yeah buddy!

This is one of those funny, sad, scary aviation stories that happen every day, but thanks to avbugs research and editing it is one I don't think I'll ever forget!
I apprecitae the advice english. However i doubt I will pursue a flying job again. So let the chips fall where they may.

THANK GOD FOR THAT, since you're a peckerhead and pretty much a clueless idiot!

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