I think "descending spiral" has acquired a new meaning--the "discourse" posted on this thread. I have written less quantitatively but said more of substance and relevance in appellate briefs. Well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration--the appellate briefs probably did contain more words--but, geez, have you no regard for those of us who come here for a modicum of information and for aviation-related discourse? Came here to read posts about fractionals and what did I find? Please take your petty personal issues elsewhere. And the suggestion to use the "ignore" function is a good one: as to both of you. Right or wrong, please take your inarticulate spewing and pettiness elsewhere. Maybe to the Jerry Springer show (if it is still on the air) or start a new forum called "personal attacks" or whatever. And my reaction has nothing to do with whatever contributions either of you might have made to aviation, to any particular group of pilots, or to any other professional endeavor (which in a different context would elicit commendation from me). It is a reaction to the irrelevant, ad hominem invective (redundancy, if any, for effect).