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ATP written

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2003
I'm starting to get ready for interviewing and was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on having your ATP written done prior to interviewing. I know it couldn't hurt but I just got done with the spring semester and am not quite sure I want to start studying all over again on top of knowing my FAR/AIM and other technical questions.

Also, is the ATP written only good for two years like the other written tests? If so, what happens if you don't upgrade in two years and now your written is no longer good?

Thanks for the replies.
your almost at 1000 tt so the ATP is only 500 hours away (like you already didn't know that) as long as you slide that 500 x-country in there. I'd say you'll be there w/in 2 years so study up and take it.

Sounds like you have the whole summer, so take a little brake then get the red Gleim book and dig in. I recommend that you sked the test a month ahead this will give you reason to study. Set a sked like one chapter every 2 days and before you know it you'll have all the questions memorized before you finish reading the question. Also just do the 135 test, it doesn't matter after you get the rating and most likely if you get a 121 interview before you get the rating they won't care which one you took anyway, they just care that you can show them you can study aviation stuff and do well on a test after.

Don't be intimadated by that thick book, most of it is diagrams and other stuff that you will never look at. A bulk of the questions are right from the comm written and the rest (of the non calculation ?'s) are common flying/aerodyanmic knowledge. As for the long weight and balance and x-country questions the 135 test has like 3 aircraft (CE-208, G1159 and BE1900 maybe one other I forgot) with about 10 questions on x-country and w&b on each. You don't need to do the calculations as each is easy to memorize. For example the caravan goes from LAS to LAX. Its CG is this and the time is that just make a story with the answers so when you get a question on the test you'll know the answer. Do this for all 3 or so aircraft, it will save time and also the answers are so close that if you do the calc and round wrong you might picke 1.35 for time enroute instead of 1.4 which was the correct example.

O well gotta go and start a 4 day, hope this helps

PS - just study the book, don't waste $$$ on a course that gives you the same thing on a computer.
A word to the wise......do your ATP while you still are used to studying. Its not going to be any easier a couple years down the road when you haven't cracked the cover of a book since your initial training. The ATP written is good for two years but if you gain employment with a 121 carrier before it expires it is good forever with a sign off from your local FSDO.

I did mine about three years after I finished school and it was dam hard. The hardest part, after working at a 121 carrier, was having a good knowledge of how irrelevant most of the questions are. Its hard to study stuff that you know for a fact is BS!
It is always good to bring as much stuff as possible to an interview to try and sell yourself. the atp test itself is not all that hard. it will take you a week at the most to prepare.

yes it is good for two years. if hired at a 121 operator prior to two years, it will still be good while you are employed.

hope this helps, good luck.
If I was you, I'd start studying now, and go ahead and take the test. But then again, the test is much easier if you have been flying the line for a while, and have actually been using that info. Who would you hire, if both applicants to your airline were equally qualified, the guy with the ATP written already done?

As far as the two year deal. There is no limit on the ATP written (as long as you are at a 121), just make sure you don't lose the results.

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O another thing - get it done while you have the extra time. I say this because some guys I upgraded with didn't do it or didn't have the ATP and were scrambeling when the bid for capt was awarded. sometimes the bid can come fast and unexpected and it looked like it $ucked for thoes guys trying to study ahead of time for the upgrade and get the APT written done before upgrade ground school. Better yet get the ATP as soon a possible as it one less thing you need to worry about durring your first upgrade.
Does the 2-year exemption still apply if you are working for a 135 carrier?

I went out and bought the book and the test disk may be its over kill, but with the test disk that gliem puts out you can pound question after question , it also gives you data where you are weak in certian areas.

Gliem has all ways brought me higher scores that any other study material.

good luck :cool:
There are about 30 questions with "certificate holder" as an answer option. In every case, that is the correct answer.

As Dointime says, most of the actual questions are irrelevent to actual operations, because the Approved Operations Manual contains the ACTUAL rules the airline must follow.


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