It would be nice to hear from a controller on this. We pilots do have to guess what the controller wants in most cases. This, however, is part of what makes a good pilot. Pay attention to your surroundings. If you're descending over the Plains into Kansas from FL400, the expected descent rate may be a bit different than if you were descending into JFK, with tons of radio chatter, TCAS screen alive and chirping, weather deviations, etc. In the latter case, I think it prudent to dial in more than 500fpm!
Are there any controllers to offer guidance?
I remember during the prop days as an FO, we were descending into PHL from the west. My captain ALWAYS used 500fpm to gain some airspeed. One day, the controller asked for our descent rate. I replied "500fpm," while my cheeks burned red as I prepared for the controller's bark. Sure enough, he said to increase our descent rate, followed by "have you ever flown into PHL before?!!?"
The argument could be made that 500fpm WAS optimum for our aircraft, as it saved fuel and added airspeed, but we are also expected to use common sense.
Are there any controllers to offer guidance?
I remember during the prop days as an FO, we were descending into PHL from the west. My captain ALWAYS used 500fpm to gain some airspeed. One day, the controller asked for our descent rate. I replied "500fpm," while my cheeks burned red as I prepared for the controller's bark. Sure enough, he said to increase our descent rate, followed by "have you ever flown into PHL before?!!?"
The argument could be made that 500fpm WAS optimum for our aircraft, as it saved fuel and added airspeed, but we are also expected to use common sense.