We need a guy to crack the email lock and send it all to PIC and SIC and FA's. Just like the Tired pilot guy--That still cracks me up!!!!
I wish Merin would come back and play--he was fun!
The biggest opponent of the union here at FLOPS has turned 180 degrees. So what does that tell you?
Anything is better than nothing..
Meat Packers
Twinkie Stuffers union
Foam Finger Makers Union
Fat methamphetamine eating biscuits and gravy sweating 18 wheels of mother truckin' truckers union--Oh wait thats the teamsters--I already mentioned them..
There will not be a merger. Flight Options is so messed up that no other company can afford to take us over and fund the fix. FO still a bunch of junk aircraft. Even some of the NEW stuff is 7 and 8 years old and falling apart.
I predict the FO union effort will pass this time. The company clowns are pushing just to hard and really upsetting even the most anti, anti-union folks.
If the effort works this time, the first order of business should be to dispose of all the Ricc and Rossi management types to include the check airmen that have attempted to push pilots into doing illegal stuff or who have COOPERATED with the weak sisters in scheduling to move a non-airworthy aircraft or departed CGF when the contaminated runway data did not support a departure attempt.
on the bottom third of the list is in the best position to openly represent pilots and get the union drive moving. Think of it, without the union, this guy is gonna languish as an FO for another few (3-5) years anyway... if there isn't a furlough. If the company cans him for his activities... settlement time! I left FLOPS about two months ago and am now seeing how I was getting screwed from the other side. Where I am now, we fly FLOPS trips 2-3X a week, and I get paid 1K more a month to do it, the equipment is in better shape, and I've only spent one night away from home. Now I know, even without the "program streamlining", why an upgrade was never coming my way! When I was at FLOPS, I sent in a card just to get a vote and to send management a message (believing that the IBT would not get voted in). Now with a union representing fracs... GO FOR IT, Y'all (all my frac bubbas) deserve better than you are getting!
You guys might want to do a little more research about ASAP before sending those cards in. Just because the name is new doesn't mean it's a new entity. If you read some of the info on the ASAP website you'll seen Don Treichler and the IBT mentioned. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. If I am, please tell me why Don Treichler and the IBT are mentioned on the website. For God's sake, even the cards you send in are IBT cards. Don't jump on the ASAP bandwagon before doing a little more digging. You may ultimately be paying union dues to a union with a different name but your money may still end up in the IBT's pockets. Don't do something boneheaded.
The eventual goal of ASAP is to complete the separation already underway from Local 284 in Columbus. ASAP will still be part of the Teamsters and as such will fall under the Airline Division. However, the local executive board wil retain control of spending, strategic planning and operations. Pilots will control their own destiny rather than having a fat trucker in charge.
This will be the same type of arrangement that Local 1224 has - the Airborne Express pilots. They are very happy now - ask one of them about their representation. They control their dues and how they are spent and they still have the backing of the IBT legal and research team. It really is the best situation for us.
As to Don Treichler, he has carried through on every promise made since the election of ASAP candidates to the MEC. He has blocked Local 284 from using non-elected business agents to sell us down the river. He may not be the ideal guy to have as your next step up the chain but so far he's been pulling his weight.
In the next few days, we'll open up a Flight Options forum on http://www.asapflightdeck.com for pilots that want to discuss Flight Options, ASAP, organizing or whatever you desire. It will only be open to Flight Options pilots. The ASAP MEC and Stewards will have access to answer questions from Flight Options pilots. It will be an anonymous board between users, so no one has to worry about being "outted" for being supportive of a union drive. Look for an announcement on Monday or Tuesday as where to go to sign-up for it.
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OR if you prefer
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Attention Fellow Pilot:
A clandestine operation is underway to change our company, as we know it. Details can be found at the following websites.
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If you have access to an obscure email account that you feel comfortable using, start sending these out to every 4 letter identifier @ flightoptions. com that you know. Use the crew schedule for all the various fleets. The only way this will work (or be defeated) is if everyone knows.
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