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ASAP card drive at FLOPS this week?

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
Flops board is rumouring about ASAP initial card drive going out to FLOPS pilots in the next few days.
Flight Options CEO bails out



Ok, this will be last time we fractional ownership loonies beat up Flight Options for their sanitized "bon voyage" party for John Nahill. The poor guy was probably dumped in the cockpit and a quick glide calculation told him that not only was he not going to make the airport, but he was about to go for a swim.

Pursuing other interests and not being reachable for comment are arguably standard indicator signs for getting an F on your report card, no matter how irrational and chemically imbalanced the teacher is. On the other hand shovelling money into a fireplace while trumpeting your firms marketshare is bound to get someone's attention.

Raytheon may feel like the older brother who takes on the liabilities of the jailbound sibling that has been jumping into fiery burning pits with armfuls of other people's cash.

It is painful, it hurts, and there is lots of yelling, screaming and crying, but these are just some of things we love and hold dear as family.
Flight Options JETPASS


Normally PR is not welcome on these pages, but this one has fractional ownership gurus stumped.

Why trumpet a card that earns the aircraft management company revenue, potentially at the expense of owners as the aircraft depreciate more rapidly through increased utilization?

Or put another way, why own a share, when you can just rent the bloody thing? More to follow on this topic as we query the forums.
ASAP- direct appeal to fractional aircraft owners


ASAP Flight Deck is a double entendre of sorts. Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots is the official acronym, but "ASAPing here and there" is very much part of a fractional ownership pilot's life.

Their website will have the news as it unfolds with respect to pilot union relations and the management at fractional firms.

The focus, so far, appears to be on making a direct appeal to NetJets and Marquis program members.
Nahill leaving?

Old news bonehead. Then again, we all see that your just talking to yourself.

hawkercpt said:
Old news bonehead. Then again, we all see that your just talking to yourself.


The bonehead is you "hawkercpt". It's hard to believe that we still have "boneheads like you that don't see how badly we need a contract at FO. The only pilots we have that would take such a negative view of us organizing, are the ones that have their heads up management’s arss for their own benefit.

It took me two years to get to the point that I understand our need, but it's crystal clear now. And with 135 and all the inevitable screw ups that are coming, I for one don't what to be standing their by my self with management pointing their finger at me for their own stupidity, looking for someone to be the fall guy.

Wake up man and smell the coffee,

Excuse me...

Exactly at what point in my post did I say I did not want a contract?
Where did you come up with that? My point is, don't drag up old news to create your stir. There's plenty going on each and every day.
As far as 135, this company is going to have a giant drag shut come out in about 9 days. The only thing we can do is CYA. At least we now will have a set of rules, not "guidelines" that can be changed at the companys whim. There's no more "can you help us out?" going on. It's black and white what you can and can't do.
Where a contract will help is in the consistant nit picking they are doing to our quality of life. On the road and at home.
FracDaddy said:
The only pilots we have that would take such a negative view of us organizing, are the ones that have their heads up management’s arss for their own benefit.
You obviously don't know who HawkerCapt is.
Drag Shut in Nine Days?

Does the Flight Options maintenance department provide a maintenance release for each leg? Is the pilot in command informed of cycles remaining/landing remaing, next inspection date and type, engine and APU hours remaining til next inspection, MEL screen and expiration date? If so, good. If not, bad!!

How does Flight Options track 135 duty time?

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