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ASA/XJT contract obstacles (already)

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Ok, lets play devils advocate. When XJT and ASA signed their contracts with their respective managements the merger policy WAS integration THEN a contract....but then alpa changes the policy...to which neither companies management teams signed off on. So the unions change the policy without managements approval and expect management to adhear? I agree this is the way is should go, but dones't it seem like some high priced legal guys could shoot holes right in it? Thoughts?

This is standard management 101 tactic. They seem to use it and be successful with it all the time. Next time they will think twice about incorporating something into the contract which we can change without their consent. Its about time we do the same to them. ;)
This is standard management 101 tactic. They seem to use it and be successful with it all the time. Next time they will think twice about incorporating something into the contract which we can change without their consent. Its about time we do the same to them. ;)

Amen! Hope it works!
ALPA merger policy, which is incorporated into BOTH pilots' contracts is clear in requiring JCBA before SLI is even considered. This was the lesson learned from AWA/USAir vs DAL/NWA. ALPA does not want another scenerio where a pilot group holds JCBA hostage because they didn't like the outcome of the SLI.

Let me put it this way. There is a definite period when 9 or 4 months occurs after SLI. But by that time, the JCBA would have been long ago ratified through the normal bargaining process anyways.

The question is when does the 9 (hopefully) or 4 (hopefully not) month countdown begin? Only having 9 months to agree to an entire JCBA is doubtful: there is just too much to do, especially when PBS is considered.
The question is when does the 9 (hopefully) or 4 (hopefully not) month countdown begin? Only having 9 months to agree to an entire JCBA is doubtful: there is just too much to do, especially when PBS is considered.
The point is that it's moot. Merger policy calls for jcba before sli. So we won't ever get to that point in time until after sli.

If they don't like it, we pull out another management 101 trick and tell them fly now greive later.
The binding part is in section one of both contracts that state SLI will be done in accordance with ALPA merger policy. Apparently this is the way our MEC views it.

XJT has an office next door to CAL so they are getting guidance from there as well.

Hopefully, you are getting guidance on PBS! %-)

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