I don't need clues when I possess facts. Now that this issue is resolved, let's get the company to include all the coma numbers in the displacement reduction. They have agreed to evaluate the long term COMAs (6 months or greater). The company has been extraordinarily responsive and open to suggestions. We need to have the monthly COMAs also included, based on a historical rolling average. For example, if the average number of captains who take coma per month is 10, then we should use this value. Add this number to long term COMA numbers and we may get a reduction of 15 to 20. That would be significant. Every 10 captains that are not displaced improve the schedules of all FOs below them, and also keep 10 captains from a reserve schedule. I have already submitted this concept to the MEC numerous times. They were largely apathetic in their reponse. However, this a wonderful opportunity for them to rectify their sluggish demeanor. As far as captains bidding to FO. CPO indicated to me 2 weeks ago that a few captains showed interest in bidding down to FO, for quality of life issues. It was explained to them that the contract did not permit it under the then current position notice. They may or may not take it , but at least they have a chance and right to do it now. No captain will be able to complain about this issue because it has finally been done correctly. Furthermore, any reserve captain who complains about his schedule will be muted, because he had his chance for a great schedule. Now let's stop bickering and get busy on this COMA issue...There is one thing that is very apparent--You don't have a clue. I can hardly wait until you blame ALPA because not enough Captains voluntarily bid down.
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