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ASA Screening Call

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I was also interviewed the week of Oct. 24th and got the job. I am in a hiring pool and heard January or early Feb for a class date.
HoserASA said:
Do you who like 'performance-based' pay really want your income depended upon ramp and gate performance?

I think perfomance based pay would really help get the ramp and gates up to speed. Perhaps we could even fix the "ain't my zone" problem.

As a pilot, I would have no problems with a little performance bonus. But, I don't think it has much effect on pilots. Our quality of life is better if we can fly the schedules we bid, without delays and the added pressures of trying to make up time here and there. We are already motivated to run on time.

Profit incentives are a usually a good thing. It brings together all the employees to work for a better overall result. There is less shifting the blame and more effort put in to making things work.

blueridge71 said:
A contract is a matter of perspective. If you've never had a good one, then maybe it doesn't look so bad to you. If you have had a good one, it's hard to go back.

That statement explains a lot about "oh please". From his perspective the current contract is not bad for him so he could care less about changing it for the people that it effects badly. Seniority's a bitch unless you have it, right oh please? At least that's what I get from past posts from him.

I've been at a worse company than ASA, but I know there are better than ASA as well.

for the most part, I couldn't agree more. For those of you who like to go back and read any and every past post I've made, if you'll look, I have said all along that we should concentrate on scheduling issues and not worry so much about payrates. If we had trip and duty rigs (which I don't fully understand) I believe scheduling would be forced to not do some of the silly things that they do. They would be forced to be more efficient. Plain and simple!

I know is sucks to be on reserve. I've been there. If I had it to do over again, I'd have waited until I could hold a line before upgrading. Reserve sucks. what else can you say? I hope it gets changed but I don't want to walk away from what I've worked hard for and enjoy to make a point about reserve.

What about the guy's/gal's with 18-20-25 years? Do you think they should have to give up a couple days off a month or a week of vacation so that newhires can have an extra day off? BS. They put in their time. They deserve to have first shot at days off, holidays, higher block, etc. etc.

Some of you think I don't care because I've got it pretty good. Well, you couldn't be further from the truth. I care about me and mine first! After that its everyone else at ASA. For the most part in decending order of seniority. Not just pilots. We are only a tiny part of the "machine". If we "burn this palce down" (makes me laugh every time I hear that) for no great reason, we'd be putting people who do the very best to support us and our operation out of a job and benefits. You say I don't care...I say you don't care.

There is a system to get this done. That system is running its course. I don't like the system but, its what I agreed to work under. I choose to be happy and let that system run. When asked for my suport (info. picket, attend gatherings and meetings, etc.), I've been there. If asked for a strike vote, I'll vote yes. If we don't get 95%+(ala UPS) its going to hurt our CNC and us. If it ever came to a strike, I'd walk too. Much as I'd hate to. my not agreeing with the system, does not mean I don't see the importance of being unified. Trust me, I get that.

We won't strike for many reasons...I truely believe that. Look at Comair's offer, its pretty close to what we'll get. We'll also be flying for another carrier sooner than you might think and flying larger planes. In a few short years, this industry will come around again (as it always has) and we'll make up for our "losses now" then. The pool of pilots and mechanics WILL shrink and we'll have gobs of leverage to push the salaries up. Until then, the most we can hope to do is improve some QOL issues.

Again, I choose to be happy. It makes life soooo much better. I'm sorry that you feel so trapped. I don't. I like it here (as long as I don't sit in the pilots lounge too long...depresses me). We will continue to grow and people will leave. You will get off reserve and be able to hold better trips. Try looking at others around you. Not just those above you. We can't all have 16+ days off a month and someone HAS to be on reserve, its that way EVERYWHERE! Even at those legacy carriers you covet so much (though their QOL and pay isn't nearly what it used to be).

It's just too bad you guy's try to shout someone down and call them name's when they disagree with you. It shows insecurity.

Anyway, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happier New Year. Peace.:)

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