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ASA pilots quitting at record pace...

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I gotta say, I like it too. In all, much nicer area than DFW, or many areas I have seen. The weather is nice, and most areas are very nice, with all the trees and sparse areas. I love to visit the mountains, only 1 1/2 north of town. Great little towns and great for road/Mt biking and hiking. Lake Lanier is very nice, and it is only a short drive to the Fla panhandle beaches or the Georgia coast. I'm not sure while all the ATL bashing. Mid-town is cool, and they have nice stadiums and arenas if you are a sports fan for attending games, college or pro. Why all the bashing? Just stay out of the bad areas - which there are IN EVERY CITY IN AMERICA!!! - and you will be fine.

Again, if there is a mass pilot walkout on the 19th.....

First of all, you picked the wrong day. The busiest travel day of the year is the day before Thanksgiving. People don't get the whole week off for Thanksgiving, dumbass.

Second of all, ASA will seek disciplinary action. They will petition the courts to subpoena this website. They will find out who you are. Don't be stupid. Look no further than the Delta open time debacle. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for action, but it must be within the limits of the RLA. I know, it sucks, but that's the way it is. That's the way it was when you signed up to play the game, so don't turn around and bitch 5 years later that the green monster is too high or that the college football overtime rules suck. (I know, weak analogies at best....) You want to take action? Start flying by the book and let the inherent weaknesses in the system work for you. A wildcat sickout helps nobody and it does very little to prove your point. What are you going to do? Walk into the bathroom and scribble something on the stalls about how you walked out to prove your point? Very effective. At best, you'll get 5% of the pilots to walk out with you, and we have more than enough reserves to cover that. Hell, they have more pilots call in sick when Jimmy Buffett comes to town.

Bottom line, like I said before, do what you want. When I tell you this is ill-advised, I'm just trying to look out for you. You really don't want to be sitting there with a big-ass target on your back when ASA's management starts another witch hunt. Believe me, I've seen it.

The only thing a sick out will do is give the schedulers a bad day. I'll admit that, in and of itself, is an admirable goal, but is that really what you hope to achieve???

You say ALPA has nothing to do with it. What does that matter? Illegal is illegal, regardless of union involvement. If you really want to get down to brass tacks, calling in sick when you're not sick is fraud. Do it as a commuter from another state and it might be interpreted as a federal crime. ALPA has nothing to do with it, but it will be the ALPA volunteers that you so readily scoff at that will spend their unpaid time trying to beg, borrow, or steal your job back after you get caught and come crying to the union that you so readily crucify, screaming, "Greivance, greivance, greivance..."

Wanna call in sick on the 19th? Go right ahead. I guarantee you the company will be asking for a doctor's note. It's their right to do so. If you manage to convince enough idiots to call in sick with you, every pilot here will be expected to produce a doctor's note for every sick call.

Tell me again... who, exactly, are you hurting here????

I agree; if you are going to do it, then make it the 22nd. It will have the biggest effect on ATL and get some good press coverage. And how hard is it to get a doctor's note? My AME will write me one over the phone and fax it to me, especially on the weekend. And as far as the courts tracking you down on Flightinfo, who is stupid enough to use their real name on here when they signed up?
If 90% of Skywest new hire classes are ASA guys, then why would Jerry be motivated to settle the contract??? At that rate, logic tells me that eventually everyone will be a non-union Skywest new hire pilot.

That was my question. It will eventually be one seniority list with ex-ASA guys stapled to the bottom.

FWIW when I resigned Castle Grayskull lost the fax copy of my resignation and had to get the nice ladies in the CP office to refax it. My separation date was early in August, so together with my bad cold that pretty much equalled my sick time just prior to leaving, I'm sure I tied up few reserves.

I'd say write up anything. Call in sick. Whatever. If you guys continue playing by the rules, you are going to continue to get screwed by BL/JA/et al. ASA is on the fast downhill slide.
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understand this process

Doesn't say anything about just the 19th, if we do until Tuesday(at the latest) mother will be telling the 2 children to wrap it up. We will have it.

TUESDAY$(willing), DONE.

:smash: Sunday 19th NOV 2006......Unofficial Official walkout!!!!!!:smash:
I have always wondered what it would be like to be below Mesa and how much some would hate you. Well Skywest congrats you have made the list of all time $hit companies to be associated with. And another thing since you guys at Skywest cannot support your fellow ASA pilots do not expect me to help you out either. You as pilots should be asking your management as a whole, collectively to do the right thing with our pilot group. If you are not part of the solution then I have no other way to see it as you are part of the problem. In that case you as a pilot group are unhonorable and have no integrity. Which pretty much makes you bottomfeeders, worse than Mesa. Congrats you are winning the hearts of all of us here at ASA. I really wish ASA had no affiliation with Skywest whatsoever.

The more I read of ASAs pissing, moaning and blaming SkyWest pilots for all your problems the less I give a crap about you guys and ALPA. But I agree, I'm not here to win your heart and I also never wanted any affiliation with ASA either. I knew JA had finally made a mistake when he decided to buy ASA. For the record, if intergration ever happens, I think DOH is cool, except all the PFTs need to be stapled to the bottom with no seat lock. I think I'll bid for ATL in Dec. to see if you have the balls to say bottomfeeder to my face.

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