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ASA nov bid delayed

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The bathroom floor reminds me of the floor in the bathroom at the public pool growing up... ya wanna go get your flip flops for that.
Why do people find it necessary to FLOP into the recliners in the lounge, instead of just sit in them. Half of them are bent to **** because many of our pilots don't know how to take care of what's given to them. Seriously, half of the chairs in there give me the "leans" while I watch television. Is it truly necessary to perform a tripple lutz before taking a dive into the chair?
Why do people find it necessary to FLOP into the recliners in the lounge, instead of just sit in them. Half of them are bent to **** because many of our pilots don't know how to take care of what's given to them. Seriously, half of the chairs in there give me the "leans" while I watch television. Is it truly necessary to perform a tripple lutz before taking a dive into the chair?
No it's due to all the potbellied popcorn inhaling, crew meal gorging, Popeye's chomping rednecks that are about to pass out while walking to the next plane that wipe out the recliners. And when they stood up they sucked up the remote and walked away with it to be found by the little short janitor jammed in a plugged toilet on C. ;)
No it's due to all the potbellied popcorn inhaling, crew meal gorging, Popeye's chomping rednecks that are about to pass out while walking to the next plane that wipe out the recliners. And when they stood up they sucked up the remote and walked away with it to be found by the little short janitor jammed in a plugged toilet on C. ;)

I knew we were being bought by a bunch of toothless atl rednecks! this is going to suck worse than I thought!
I understand shi_t happens but our union is always like well this is what's going on and we let them. Really you let them what if you'd said no publish the DAL lines and UAL can wait but for everyone to be screwed b/c they got the flying late for one carrier is BS and I can't wait for XJT union heads to get voted in, I'm voting for them or someone new next time.
there were several new folks wanting a chance to change things and the same old bums got right back in.....hmmmm, suspiciously similar to the training department....and the CP's office too...

I'm just spitballing here but does it seem like its the same good ole' boys keep bouncing from one of those offices to the other?
A day late and 30 less lines than previous months!?!?!? Why on earth upgrade 30 people for 30 fewer lines? They are just going from one extreme to another.
A day late and 30 less lines than previous months!?!?!? Why on earth upgrade 30 people for 30 fewer lines? They are just going from one extreme to another.

Fewer lines = more reserves. More reserves = fewer red arrow days.

Some people just can't be pleased.
I open the bid sheet and see that finally I moved up the list a good bit. Then after all the noise about finally upgrading some captains, I open the lines and find I'm no closer to a line than before, maybe further away. I give up.

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