Maybe its time that ASA's management learned a very basic lesson of management. As a manager you are only as good as the people working for you. Take care of them and they will take care of the company and you. If you treat them poorly and don't deal with them in honesty and good faith you will destroy their moral. A company comprised of employees with low moral is in for a lot of trouble.
Every pilot I know at ASA is a dedicated, motivated professional and I regularly witness them going above and beyond to get the job done. However, these juvinile games that management has chosen to play in our negotations are rapidly destroying that motivation. These games may be of benefit to them in the short term but in the long run they are going to come back to bite them. I personally can't even comprehind how they live with themselves. The only thing I can think is that some of them have fallen into the same trap as many executives. Prostituting their integrity for money and power.
Its time for someone to be a leader and direct ASA's negotiating team to step up to the plate and start negotiating in good faith because a lot of pilots are to the point of being ready to strike and that would not be good for anyone whether you are the president or operate the lav cart.
Every pilot I know at ASA is a dedicated, motivated professional and I regularly witness them going above and beyond to get the job done. However, these juvinile games that management has chosen to play in our negotations are rapidly destroying that motivation. These games may be of benefit to them in the short term but in the long run they are going to come back to bite them. I personally can't even comprehind how they live with themselves. The only thing I can think is that some of them have fallen into the same trap as many executives. Prostituting their integrity for money and power.
Its time for someone to be a leader and direct ASA's negotiating team to step up to the plate and start negotiating in good faith because a lot of pilots are to the point of being ready to strike and that would not be good for anyone whether you are the president or operate the lav cart.
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