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Asa Havco Starts

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You were a sitting status rep, and you took the first parachute you got, selling out the pilots who elected you.

That one comment makes me want to disregard everything else you say. Anyone who WOULDN'T take a decent job offer that got them out of 9E is a fool. And he put in WAY more than his fair share of time to make 9E, and the profession, better.

"Center, we'd like to request the Colliers 094 radial to MYR at 10,000 ft".

He used to request AGS at 4000. Only FO I ever had to take the aircraft from 3 times on one trip.
Nice to see that one pilot group has finally grown a pair!

Be really careful out there, work as a team and watch each others' backs because you are the only ones that you can trust...

Good Luck and Fly Safe!
He used to request AGS at 4000. Only FO I ever had to take the aircraft from 3 times on one trip.

Yeah, I should have said 4000. He still does that. He's had FOs take the controls. Scary stuff.
Yesterday 67.9% On-time.
Personally, I have not been on-time for any flight this week!
Seems like the company may get the picture in a few weeks.
Just remember, the MX guys get paid by the hour!
Up until "a few months ago" I had a duty and responsibility to my fellow pilots to toe the ALPA line. I no longer have that requirement and am free to speak my mind publicly. That's the only difference. My views haven't changed

Then that's where you and I are very different. I never felt a need to "toe the line" as a sitting rep. I told the pilots what I thought, because they elected me to represent them. I didn't toe any line, and I didn't spread any rhetoric that I didn't agree with. All reps have the right to speak their mind, as long as they make it clear when they are giving their own opinion as opposed to the official position of the MEC or the Association.

Your "recent conversations"? You're not even a fricking ALPA member any more.
What does that have to do with anything? You think I can't pick up a phone or catch a flight to Herndon to talk to some friends just because my status has changed to "inactive?" Think whatever you wish, though.

You were a sitting status rep, and you took the first parachute you got, selling out the pilots who elected you. And you want to tell me about ALPA? I served 5 years with distinction. No, PCL, you will not convince me. You're wasting your time :rolleyes:
If any Pinnacle pilot is on this board that feels I "sold you out" by leaving Pinnacle, then please speak up. I won't be holding my breath, John. I also served over 5 years, "with distinction," as you put it. And when I left office, I didn't betray my colleagues by calling for their recall. I'll put my record of service up against yours any day if you want to play that juvenile game. :rolleyes:
Yesterday 67.9% On-time.
Personally, I have not been on-time for any flight this week!
Seems like the company may get the picture in a few weeks.
Just remember, the MX guys get paid by the hour!

And they also love their "road trips"!
Then that's where you and I are very different. I never felt a need to "toe the line" as a sitting rep. I told the pilots what I thought, because they elected me to represent them. I didn't toe any line, and I didn't spread any rhetoric that I didn't agree with. All reps have the right to speak their mind, as long as they make it clear when they are giving their own opinion as opposed to the official position of the MEC or the Association.

What does that have to do with anything? You think I can't pick up a phone or catch a flight to Herndon to talk to some friends just because my status has changed to "inactive?" Think whatever you wish, though.

If any Pinnacle pilot is on this board that feels I "sold you out" by leaving Pinnacle, then please speak up. I won't be holding my breath, John. I also served over 5 years, "with distinction," as you put it. And when I left office, I didn't betray my colleagues by calling for their recall. I'll put my record of service up against yours any day if you want to play that juvenile game. :rolleyes:

"Juvenile game"? Cry me a river PCL. You don't know crap about me and every time you make stupid statements like "tried to get my colleagues recalled" you stick your foot in your mouth. You have no clue what's going on her except what you've heard second or third hand. Go get a new hobby.
Back on topic...here are a couple other things that need to be looked at to keep us operating safely.

1. Windshields...are they delaminating? If they are the write-up needs to include the fact that the delamination does or does not obscure pilot vision out the window. If it does...the window HAS to be changed.

2. There is a scuff pad on the top left side of the FO chairback for foot traction while climbing out the hatch....That MUST be there for emergency egress...I have run across airplanes that don't have it.
Also made sure those CRJ700 nose wheel torque links don't have any side to side play. That causes a lot of these nosewheel shimmys that a lot of pilots have grown tolerant of because they seem to be on every other aircraft. And don't just write up "nose wheel shimmy" because all they will do is "retorque nose wheels" and call it good. That almost never works.

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