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Asa Havco Starts

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Care to explain that nickname to a clueless, non-ATRah pilot? I just flew with him recently (as a passenger) and I'm curious.

"Center, we'd like to request the Colliers 094 radial to MYR at 10,000 ft".

Yea, your all nuts to think they cant replace ASA. United took Air Wisconsin completey out of their system, and they had a pretty big operation in Chicago, and they eliminated ACA from IAD, who owned the place. They didn't even have them spread out like they have ASA spread out in ATL. I think the plan all along is to get rid of ASA. We have only one base, and it has been under seige for years. Three years ago, ASA owned ATL,with a sprinkling of Comair flights. Now......Comair, Skywest, Mesa, Freedumb, Chatauqua, and soon Pinnacle and probably ExpressJet. All while ASA gets no new flying or bases. What the hell else does that tell you all?! ASA is the odd-man out in this scenario, and can be replaced easier than you think.

I agree that we could be replaced slowly, but strikes don't happen slowly. We are the second largest airline in ATL in terms of flights operated in/out ATL. Do you really think 500 or so flights can be replaced overnight?
My point is that a release would put a real threat in these guys future. They could not possibly relace all that feed in ATL quickly enough to avoid all sorts of financial damage... Where are they going to find that many scabs as well?
If we get a release in the near future, these guys will settle because DAL is in no position to play games with a strike in ATL. If it is another year or two, we could already have been replaced by then....

-Bottom line---DAL needs the feed, they will protect it at all costs.
Nope. Can't be replaced overnight. That is why they are slowly doing it all around us while we sit and watch! Why do you think scope is one of the main issues management refuses to give us, when it is a non-cost item. The plan is to eliminate us, and they hope to keep dragging it out to give them more time. How many DCI carriers were in ATL 3 years ago? And now how many? They are replacing us. I'm sure it hurt United short-term to replace AirWisc and ACA, but they did it.

Anyway, keep up the good work out there. Lets keep hitting them freakin hard every day and at least stand together if we are going down. The NMB may be against us, Jerry Atkin may lie to our faces, and our management may not respect us or value our contributions but it is time to take our fight to them!
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we won't get a release.

IF a democrat gets elected next term, it won't help either. It'd take 2 yrs or more to replace the NMB with more "labor friendly" folks. We'd be gone by then or at least made to be a NON-factor in ATL/DL sys.

ALPA national isn't going to "allow" ASA to cause Delta any problems. We'll keep getting the same old "we're doing all we can do" "you have no case in court" yadda yadda. Don't forget that mainline pilots pay LOTS MORE in dues than ASA. Take care of the mainline pilots first and keep Delta healthy enough to merge it with NWA.
ALPA national isn't going to "allow" ASA to cause Delta any problems. We'll keep getting the same old "we're doing all we can do" "you have no case in court" yadda yadda. Don't forget that mainline pilots pay LOTS MORE in dues than ASA. Take care of the mainline pilots first and keep Delta healthy enough to merge it with NWA.

Do you also wear a tinfoil hat to keep the "aliens" from reading your thoughts? :rolleyes: Some of you guys spend way too much time conjuring up these ridiculous conspiracy theories. Whether you want to believe it or not, the guys at National are on your side.
we won't get a release.

ALPA national isn't going to "allow" ASA to cause Delta any problems. We'll keep getting the same old "we're doing all we can do" "you have no case in court" yadda yadda. Don't forget that mainline pilots pay LOTS MORE in dues than ASA. Take care of the mainline pilots first and keep Delta healthy enough to merge it with NWA.

Do you also wear a tinfoil hat to keep the "aliens" from reading your thoughts? :rolleyes: Some of you guys spend way too much time conjuring up these ridiculous conspiracy theories. Whether you want to believe it or not, the guys at National are on your side.

That's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. If you don't recognize the fact that mainline pilots have more influence in ALPA, you either 1. haven't been around very long 2. are still drunk on the Herndon KoolAid or 3. never researched the composition of the Executive Board.

It's true that DALPA does not want anything "messy" to happen at ASA. It's already been revealed that Moak is leaning on Delta to get SkyWest/ASA to settle. It's reasonable to expect the same pressure being applied to ALPA to keep us from striking, which may royally screw Delta's recovery plan.

DALPA will never fall on their swords for us commuter trash.
Wow you guys sound like you are having so much fun !! Wish I could come fly with you all for a couple weeks just to enjoy the great times and also shove it to all these greedy management aholes
That's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. If you don't recognize the fact that mainline pilots have more influence in ALPA, you either 1. haven't been around very long 2. are still drunk on the Herndon KoolAid or 3. never researched the composition of the Executive Board.

Of all things to point to to point out the supposed influence of mainline pilots, the EB is the last thing you should use. There are now 41 ALPA pilot groups, and only 5 legacy ALPA carriers. Since each MEC gets only one member on the EB (the Master-Chairman), then Newie gets the same power on the EB that Moak and everyone else gets.

It's true that DALPA does not want anything "messy" to happen at ASA. It's already been revealed that Moak is leaning on Delta to get SkyWest/ASA to settle. It's reasonable to expect the same pressure being applied to ALPA to keep us from striking, which may royally screw Delta's recovery plan.

I fully expect Captain Moak to put pressure on Delta to get Skywest/ASA management to settle. That makes perfect sense. Expecting him to put pressure on the ASA MEC does not make sense. Lee is not some anti-regional extremist. You're not dealing with Mark Bathurst here.
What's the status of ASA and the NMB? The last news I heard had the board telling us that we would be in touch in the 'near future'. When will we hear more from the board?

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