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Asa Havco Starts

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Yea, your all nuts to think they cant replace ASA. United took Air Wisconsin completey out of their system, and they had a pretty big operation in Chicago, and they eliminated ACA from IAD, who owned the place. They didn't even have them spread out like they have ASA spread out in ATL. I think the plan all along is to get rid of ASA. We have only one base, and it has been under seige for years. Three years ago, ASA owned ATL,with a sprinkling of Comair flights. Now......Comair, Skywest, Mesa, Freedumb, Chatauqua, and soon Pinnacle and probably ExpressJet. All while ASA gets no new flying or bases. What the hell else does that tell you all?! ASA is the odd-man out in this scenario, and can be replaced easier than you think.
Taxiing in today, I saw an ATR taxiing toward the gate down Fox faster than I have ever seen any airplane taxi in my life! I honestly thought he was a) taking off, b) Landing, or c) On fire!

I guess not everybody is on board! Way to go fella!

Most likely SF.

Most likely "Radial Ruegger".
Yea, your all nuts to think they cant replace ASA. United took Air Wisconsin completey out of their system, and they had a pretty big operation in Chicago, and they eliminated ACA from IAD, who owned the place. They didn't even have them spread out like they have ASA spread out in ATL. I think the plan all along is to get rid of ASA. We have only one base, and it has been under seige for years. Three years ago, ASA owned ATL,with a sprinkling of Comair flights. Now......Comair, Skywest, Mesa, Freedumb, Chatauqua, and soon Pinnacle and probably ExpressJet. All while ASA gets no new flying or bases. What the hell else does that tell you all?! ASA is the odd-man out in this scenario, and can be replaced easier than you think.

Yeah, but back then, they had a surplus of pilot applicants. Today, not so much.
that is a good one..... I never really would have noticed it, but during IOE, my instructor told me about a guy who got violated for having one that was not readable. Inspector on the jumpseat had a point-if someone did get hurt by the switch being in the wrong position, how would you know where it should have been if you can't read the placard.... Switch positions are not memory items.

-Keep kicking these tards right in the nards! They have earned every ounce or our wrath.

The lawyers would have an open an shut case against you mr. pilot if you couldnt read the switch placard, so CYA! hell its free
I have an Air Tran buddy who cliams that the ASA airplanes he's seen at ATL this weekend have not seemed to be taxiing any slower than normal. That's what he said and he is aware of the situation.
Nobody can replace you right now - RAH can't hire fast enough, attrition is through the roof!! The J4J guys on the RW cert are going to be gone soon and there is no sim time to be found!!
Everyone is in the same boat!

Yea, your all nuts to think they cant replace ASA. United took Air Wisconsin completey out of their system, and they had a pretty big operation in Chicago, and they eliminated ACA from IAD, who owned the place. They didn't even have them spread out like they have ASA spread out in ATL. I think the plan all along is to get rid of ASA. We have only one base, and it has been under seige for years. Three years ago, ASA owned ATL,with a sprinkling of Comair flights. Now......Comair, Skywest, Mesa, Freedumb, Chatauqua, and soon Pinnacle and probably ExpressJet. All while ASA gets no new flying or bases. What the hell else does that tell you all?! ASA is the odd-man out in this scenario, and can be replaced easier than you think.

I agree. When I break it down I think there is a big plan to replace ASA. ALPA and the pilots have done a great job of just sitting around quietly so mgt can execute their plan. Glad to see some action finally by the pilots
Bulls*$&. Just talked with a couple of the National Officers recently about the ASA situation, and this is far from true. There is no pressure from National, and I seriously doubt any pressure from DALPA either.

During a new hire briefing 2 weeks ago, Lee Moak (DALPA Chairman) told us that DALPA is putting pressure on Delta to force Skywest to settle. He didn't say anything about the ASA MEC, but it makes sense

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