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ASA Electronic Strike Ballot is Here!!!

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crjskipper said:
ignore superwhatever but bizjet stop being so angry - you dont have to agree but keep it professional. joe feels strongly but keeps it civil.

Yea the same joe with his hag of a girlfriend LJ, right he needs the swift boot. Can't someone take him down on a pro check if anyone is deserving of a hatchet job it's him.
:angryfireYes, it is TIME for us to TAKE A STAND!!!! I am so PROUD of this pilot group! I can't WAIT for this strike vote to be tallied up! YEEE HAWWWWW!!!
JoeMerchant said:
My number one issue is a single list.

When ASA was owned by DAL the RJDC wanted a single list, until furloughs started, then they withdrew the single list demand from their lawsuit. I guess the RJDC just wants a single list when it suits them.
:rolleyes:FD, I believe that when Big D bought ASA, we requested a single list! You guys laughed at us...and then Sept 11th. All of a sudden, the Delta pilot group "re-approached" ASA about making onelist so that WE would EAT all of the furloughes! Yeah.....REAL FAIR!!! As I look at it, both our companies (ASA/Skywest) are MAKING MONEY! Don't quite see how THAT is the same as us wanting one list with skywst to keep from the "eternal" WHIPSAW!
FDJ2 - First, your MEC killed single list at the 2000 BOD meeting. The RJDC did include a single list demand. But there were many reasons for its removal.

It was expected management would vigorously fight the RJDC because the RJDC's ideas would have made Delta scope and the pilots much more powerful. It was also expected that Delta, the Corporate Parent, would be added to the litigation, which would be necessary to obtain one list.

Then Contract 2000 came apart. Almost immediately the Delta MEC, ALPA and Delta were back at the table. Since "everyone" were already negotiating there was no real reason to drag Delta to the table. ALPA had the opportunity to do the right thing and was engaged in negotiations with Delta, Comair and ASA management concurrently.

One list proposals were being floated without having to add Delta to the lawsuit and without having to fight that battle. We, for a very short period of time, thought ALPA would use the opportunity of tripartied negotiations to fix problems. Instead the Delta MEC made it clear it would negotiate with Delta and cram the result down the Comair and ASA MEC's throats after the fact. One result of this was the allegation that the Comair MEC Chairman refused to assist furloughed Delta pilots.

Of course, the ASA and Comair MEC's could not represent their pilots if they were not even allowed into the meetings and the Delta MEC had some pretty wild, unworkable, ideas.

Then (it is my opinion) the early retirements began resulting in rapid seniority increases for the Delta pilots and the pressure was off the MEC to provide a real solution to Delta's pilot job protection problem. Also the number of DCI carriers increased rapidly, making the one list idea simply another missed opportunity.

Amazing to look back and see it now, but those were the "good ol days." We forecast exactly where we are now, but you and General thought I was a crazed alarmist then. I also hoped that I was wrong.
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~~~^~~~ said:
The RJDC did include a single list demand. But there were many reasons for its removal.

I'm all ears Fins, let's hear the reasons the RJDC removed the "single list" demand in their self serving lawsuit.
AVoiceOfReason said:
I voted NO last night after listening to the ALPA call. ALPA couldn't even answer our question about strike benefits. This isn't a game, and if you can't answer a simple question about stike benefits when your asking me to walk away from my job, then you don't get my vote.

Thanks, Lynn. Give John a reach around for us tonight!
ALPA has been notified that a vote has been cast on the following ballot by ALPA Number ---------:
Ballot Title: Atlantic Southeast Airlines Strike Authorization
Ballot (6-2006)
Confirmation Number: ---------
Voted on: 06/27/2006 11:58:19 Pacific Time

Yes Fellas. Keep the chins up!

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