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ASA AQP--- if you know the scenarios, please PM me

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All of these questions about AQP posted on here...Don't you guys talk to each other online at all???

I think he meant "on the line" but in his extremely limited wisdom he typed "online".

You are indeed correct... the phrase I intended was "on the line" or "on-line". My wisdom is indeed very limited. I suppose the thought of asking my co-workers AT work would be an unwise way to find answers that are specific to my place of work.

What the hell has happened to interpersonal social skills? Is the comradery at some places so bad that individuals wouldn't consider TALKING to their co-workers to get this information? It just blows my mind that it would come to someone having to ask this question on an industry-wide ONLINE forum.

I just think its sad/questionable if the only way you can gather information from your co-workers is through an anonymous online industry chat forum.

But what do I know. My wisdom is extremely limited... as evidenced by a typo!
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Good point, but it doesn't hurt to cover all the bases, especially when it's early in the year and not many pilots have them. The scenarios are new every January.
What the hell has happened to interpersonal social skills? Is the comradery at some places so bad that individuals wouldn't consider TALKING to their co-workers to get this information? It just blows my mind that it would come to someone having to ask this question on an industry-wide ONLINE forum.

I just think its sad/questionable if the only way you can gather information from your co-workers is through an anonymous online industry chat forum.

But what do I know. My wisdom is extremely limited... as evidenced by a typo!

Thanks for the advice jackhammer. I fly naps and over the last year have flown with the same 5 or 6 guys

again.. I wasn't asking for anyone's opinion or approval of how I conduct my business, I simply asked if anyone had gouge.

I am starting to appreciate management and how F'ing impossible it would be to run this place.
It's just AQP, man. But know this: live by the gouge, die by the gouge. AQP is the perfect trap to be spring loaded into the fail position if you have clever instructors.Gouge: Dooood, it's an XXX failure in cruise- piece of cake. Then an engine fire and RTF. Guess what happens... They misread the fault and immediately follow the gouge right into a black hole. I've heard it too many times.
It's just AQP, man. But know this: live by the gouge, die by the gouge. AQP is the perfect trap to be spring loaded into the fail position if you have clever instructors.Gouge: Dooood, it's an XXX failure in cruise- piece of cake. Then an engine fire and RTF. Guess what happens... They misread the fault and immediately follow the gouge right into a black hole. I've heard it too many times.

With out a doubt I'll second this for sure. Most AQP events are written with some leeway for the check pilot to give one or more faults with different responses. You are setting yourself up to go into the box expecting X.
I just spoke with a friend who had training two weeks ago. She shared some training information with me regarding some focus items this year.

-There is a strong focus on MX procedures and documentation. For example, items deferred but not on release, or items on release but not in can. Any MX before takeoff should be coordinated and documented properly. Read the FOM
-There is also a focus on CDR procedures (Coded Departure Routes). We received a bulletin on this last year and a Tech briefing. The Tech Briefing is under the documents tab. Hunt for it. It’s dated June 2012 under CRJ, not that gay little ERJ thing.
-GEN Fail in flight, APU is second GEN for CAT2, if needed
-FLAP FAIL caution and MX reset procedure
-FMS deferral, green needle flight with Holding along the route, review all holding entries, hold timing for altitude, wind correction, Use of NAV Sector page on FMS is recommended. Calculate descents without FMS to meet alt restrictions.
-Runway changes and CDR issuance, check fuel needed, re brief legs on FMS, re run before takeoff check, make sure you have numbers and reset t-off speeds if needed.
-GEAR Disagree in flight. Run QRH and recycle gear until it drops. Follow the damn QRH fool.
-CAT 2 approach procedures, and ILS PRM procedure, Attention all users page, No CAT 2 to ATL 26R
-OIL PRESS warning message in flight, Engine Shutdown not required under certain conditions, read the damn QRH carefully, fool.

This information is reliable but don’t take my word for any of this, prepare for anything.
Hahaha nice. Do you talk to each airplane before you fly and ask her what failures she may expect to give you today on your flight out of ATL? :rolleyes:

What's the point of AQP if you already know beforehand what emergencies you will have? The point is to not know, JUST as you wouldn't know on the line flying a regular passenger flight. That's the thing with real life emergencies, they happen and usually without giving you a heads up at the gate.
Hahaha nice. Do you talk to each airplane before you fly and ask her what failures she may expect to give you today on your flight out of ATL? :rolleyes:

What's the point of AQP if you already know beforehand what emergencies you will have? The point is to not know, JUST as you wouldn't know on the line flying a regular passenger flight. That's the thing with real life emergencies, they happen and usually without giving you a heads up at the gate.

Hell, if that's true, then let's not train anything from day 1 indoc and onward. We will learn far more if happens to us without preparation, right?

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