They need to loosen credit lending requirements. Have you actually tried to get a morgage lately??? What the banks want is absurd- I laughed at the loan officer a few months ago. Hey, with what they are asking for, I might as well just pay cash for the house and get it over with!
Well-if you had good credit, and were asking for a loan you could afford, you would have gotten one..... Like Me. It is not tought-just ask for something reasonable-if you are 5 or 6 times your annual income, you cannot and should not ever be approved.
People tried to over-reach. "Adjustable-rate" "Interest-only" etc, etc. are just scams. Stick with conservative "plain vanilla" loans and you will never go wrong.
The economic education in this country is just pathetic. People had no idea what they were getting into-all they knew is that they stood to make a lot of money when their home values kept skyrocketing they could keep buying and selling houses. A blind and deaf monkey could have known that those conditions would not last forever.
-Interesting thought: Barney Frank vs. Blind-deaf monkey.... Wonder who would win?