If these purchases are viewed as "replacements" and not "additional aircraft" for NJ, where are the owners of these shares going to come from. With the current state of the fractional industry, very few existing owners will be interested in buying shares in "new" aircraft and "new" fleets while the price of preowned shares are where they are (and very high inventory levels).
For example, why would I pay full price to be in a new Phenom 300 share and be in one of the first 20 aircraft. NJ will not have enough Phenoms to fly me, so they will probably fly me in the Encore or"upgrade" me to the XLS in the meantime. So for the first 2-3 years (of a 5 year term), I will be flying in the Encore or XL. And I would be able to buy a pre-owned Encore or XLS ahre for a fraction of the new Phenom price.
Once upon a time, there were very few, if any, preowned shares. The only way to get into the NJ program was to buy a new share. Those days are gone. With what most existing owners have seen (and been pitched), they will probably never buy a new share again. (For example, last year I needed more time, was exploring a card and other options, but was pitched a pre-owned XL share for between 1/5 and 1/6th (yes between 16% and 20%) of the price of a new share. I still ride in the same fleet. The sales staff spent a good bit of time educating owners on why pre-owned shares are a much better value than new shares (when they were trying to unload the former). Now try to unteach the owners. Selling brand new shares will be more difficult int he future.
Finally-you now get what I have been saying for some time. It's now becoming a commoditized space and actually Warren Buffet said regarding commoditized services, "you don't want to be the highest cost provider nor do you want to be the lowest cost provider."
Very, very few current or future owners will want to ever buy anything new, especially when they know their buddy flies on the same product and paid 1/2 what you did.
At the end of the day, orders, firm or otherwise, mean doodoo. If shares aren't purchased by owners, the provider won't take delivery.
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