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ohplease! said:
tell me your secret. I want more block time for July. Right now I'm only up to 104 hr. credits.

Yeah, if you include your 20 hours credit for being Scott Hall's richard-recepticle.

Moron, the cubicle next to you is calling. Its Scott and Bryan, they have something that gozinya.

ohplease! said:
tell me your secret. I want more block time for July. Right now I'm only up to 104 hr. credits.

My secret is that I work for a managment that would rather spend their efforts covering up problems rather than exposing them and fixing them. It could really be a great company if it's "leaders" were willing to actually step up to the plate once in a while.
All these new frequencies in ATL are laughable. Nat's the only one who ever answers and when he does he sounds just like our PA's "don't shoot the messenger, sir, I'm only relaying a message from your 'gate keeper'." I also find it amusing that these mysterious "gate keepers" sit in some room somewhere (apparently with their radio volume too low) unable to actually see the gates/planes and try to tell us that the plane you're waiting on has been cleared already while at the same time you're looking right at it, not 50 feet away, and you can see they've just started to board. When you ask if you can just have the open spot right next to the one you are scheduled for that's still boarding, the answer is inevitably "aaahhhh...no, sir, aahhh...I've...aaahhh got an aircraft on the ground for that...aaahhh...spot. He...ahh...just...landed." Oh yeah? We'll I'm one of your airplanes that's on the ground and I've already been here waiting for it! Why not put me in it and then put the one that just landed into the spot I was scheduled for? It's the same danged gate!!

ohplease! said:
How do you guys get so lucky? I never get to wait like that! I bid high block all summer hoping for long delays and ground stops. Nothing. Nada. Zip! How the he!! do you do it?

Maybe it a conspiracy....

Maybe it is jsut luck....but seems many other people are having the same problem, so it isn't just me. make sure you fly through there at like 5pm during the pushes, that hould get you some extra time.

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