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Any Army Attack Helicopter Folks Here?

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New member
Dec 14, 2005
Hey guys (and gals),

I was wondering if anyone can tell me the what the current armor recognition curriculum is for attack drivers? Is it still a TC or is it integrated into a full field manual now? (I.e., TC-XXX vs. FM X-X.)

Thanks in advance for the assist!
Apache driver? Wow, I guess you qualify. :)

Thank you very much for the information. Are you strapping on an A- or D-model these days?
Ex-64 driver...

We never used any particular manuals; we had briefs/pictures/handouts put together for us by our S2 based on the particular area to which we were going. I'm sure he had the manuals tho.

During gunnery time, it was usually a mix of allied/soviet vehicles.

Hope that helps.
Right, that makes sense in the field. I'm sorry, I should have been more clear, I was wondering what the curriculum stuff would be for the guys on the attack track. I'd actually thought then when the Aviation Branch was "legitimized" they went to press with a bunch of spankin' new FMs as opposed to the ad hoc TC distro that was prevalent in prior years at USAAVNC.

I hope I'm making sense. :)

Thanks guys!
I will apologize for the thread hijack but while I have some Apache drivers attention; what is max age you guys have seen get in flight school. I am an RJ Captain, current enlisted aircrew in the ANG, and a former AH-64. I have been told by a few in the Army Guard that they are HURTING for pilots. I even mentioned that I am now 38 years old. They have told me to give it a shot anyway.

Thoughts?? You can PM me.

Thanks for the info and now back to your normally scheduled programing.
Im not sure what the current stated max age is but the way things are now in the military, Im sure its gone up.

Also, the services used to grant exemptions for time that you served as enlisted ie, if you did 5 years enlisted then you could subtract that from your current age. dont know if thats still the norm.

Try the back door solution;
Apply for a commission in the Reserves as an IRR or IMA soldier then once you have the commission find an Apache unit, if thats what you want to fly, and apply for flight school and the aviation branch.
Once you get qualified then revert back to warrant in order to fly more.

All branches are going to be going through retention problems in the next years and if youre willing give what it requires Im sure youll find a spot.

PM me if you have any questions.

Good luck!
Wow...a post I can actually contibute to...

Currently the age limit is 33, raised from 30 this year by DA. I can't speak for other states, but PA got somebody into flight school (last year I believe) who was 37, so it can happen. In fact, a guy in my current unit was boarded over the summer, and he's 35.

I sent my WOFT packet in to NGB/DA in October for an age waiver. I was 31 at the time, but NG still had the 27.5 year age limit. I just got my packet back with no action taken and will be boarded in January. I'm guessing that NGB is now following the same age limit guidelines as DA now.

The bottom line is, waivers can happen, especially given the current environment. Give it a shot. The worst thing that can happen is you could be told "no", and lots of times even that's not a showstopper.

Brooks K.
JungleJett said:
I will apologize for the thread hijack but while I have some Apache drivers attention; what is max age you guys have seen get in flight school. I am an RJ Captain, current enlisted aircrew in the ANG, and a former AH-64. I have been told by a few in the Army Guard that they are HURTING for pilots. I even mentioned that I am now 38 years old. They have told me to give it a shot anyway.

Thoughts?? You can PM me.

Thanks for the info and now back to your normally scheduled programing.

Brooks is right..you can get a waiver for about anything right now. Our state sent someone at 39 years old. I was the oldest guy who went, and I was 31. It used to be impossible, but not anymore. With my state, Arizona, I know they want you to be in the state for a year before you put your packet up, but I think that's changing. Call the SAO (State Aviation Officer) for each state and ask them.
States to consider if you want Apache:
Arizona (D Model currently fielding)
Idaho (A Model)
North Carolina (A Model)
South Cariolina (Soon to be D model)
Florida (A model)
Pennsilvania (maybe losing apaches?)
Texas (A Model)
Utah (A Model)
Can't think of the rest..I think that covers them but might have missed one or two.
weekendwarrior said:
Pennsylvania (maybe losing apaches?)

I sure hope not...that's the airframe they slotted me for... :)

By the way, PA currently has the A model, and doesn't look like they'll be decreasing the Apache assets any time soon.

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