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ANONYMOUS MODERATOR, please explain...

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My $.02:

Why is the moderator who moved the threads the one who hasn't posted when others have, Mark and UAL78?
If you send it over the net expect it to go public. I'm sure Jack Lewis does with his e-mails to the FedEx pilots, and rightly so. We post it here for others to read to find out what is going on, USNFDX did the same with Bill's PM since he would not explain in a public forum.
If it wasn't broke why fix it? Glad we will be back to the status quo.

Now someone else kick this dead horse.
Hey, have you guys heard the Jet Blue pilots have to clean the cabins of their airplanes between flights??
Yes, I have done a few RFO trips already. . . .
TonyC said:
350 for 20 minutes - - would you like your dinner roll warmed, sir?

You don't want to know how I warm those rolls, do you??
This message has been deleted by UAL78.

Now, UAL78, that's not very nice! The rest of us common folk can't do that. We have to live with the posts we make. Remember, it was changed in the spirit of making us more responsible for what we say. Tsssk, tssssk :)


Let's say, hypothetically, that the moderator that moved the thread then had to work and was away for, say, four or five days. (Don't shoot any spitballs over here, UAL78 - - I get e-mail notifications! ;) Don't think we don't know what you said in SPITE of your attempt to retract it! :)) In that case, it would be appropriate for him to answer, in public, the question that was posed in public. If we disallow as hearsay the PM that was posted, we're still left with no explanation. The natives get restless when they get left in the dark!

Be brave Anonymous Moderator (remember, 10th point of the Scout Law :)) and tell us like it is.

DELETED for vulgar content

DELETED for personal attack

DELETED for posting scab list

PENALTY BOX for bikini-clad Avatar

BANNED for link to porn site

MOVED so newbies can find it better

We may not all agree to the rationale, but at least we can know what it is.

Just my opinion - - actual mileage may vary.

For the longest time to qualify as a major you had to exceed $1 Billion in Revenue, I don't know about you but I'd sure put UPS and FEDEX in that category. That criteria might not have changed but the airlines that meet it sure the heck have.

Besides, the "Majors" forum falls under the interview side of this site, most guys log on to find out about those airlines that are HIRING, (I might be wrong again but once again UPS and FEDEX fall into that category), to get gouge and a feel for the process and share experiences.

For those that feel the UPS and FEDEX's of this world are a step below the self loading freight side of the house, take a look at your own companies financial report and see if you too actually belong. (Maybe we can come up with another forum like...."was a major but lost 2% of the GDP of the entire Mid west"


Boxes dont Bi*ch

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