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ANONYMOUS MODERATOR, please explain...

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Hey Guys,

I don't know which of us is moving the things around, but I can tell you that the Moderators try their best without any agendas that I know about. This issue is actually refreshing since it doesn't have to do with avitars, potty language, flame-baters, etc. Thanks!

Anyway, you make some good points, what given the state of the industry right now- there's not really a lot of interviewing going on. I know that this board is Mark's pride and joy and he's put his soul into making it what it is. I'm sure he'll take all of the suggestions under advisement. Just in case he doesn't catch this thread, if you have a suggestion, please contact him.

In some respects, it's your board too and within certain constraints should be what you want it to be too.

Thanks UAL

My only remark is that IN A LOT OF RESPECTS IT IS OUR BOARD TOO. If we all took our ball and went home...it would be pretty hard to sell advertising with no hits on the board. I would think Mark would be more than "pretty responsive" to what the users of this board want.

No User's no board
No Board....user's go somewhere else.
No...you said

"In some respects, it's your board too and within certain constraints should be what you want it to be too."

My emphasis added
With FedEx on this board for years why did it all of the sudden need to be moved is the biggest question?
no clue

Man, I go away on a 4 day trip and all heck lets loose! I have no idea why or who moved the threads....but it seems to have really caused some debate. My guess is that it was just a mistake somehow as none of the moderators are out there to get anybody or cause any trouble.

As UAL78 mentioned...send me a suggestion ([email protected]) I almost always take them and try to get it added to the site. The site is the largest aviation site on the internet in terms of hits and users....so we have a good thing going here and I would like to keep it the leading place for us pilots to hang out! If you guys want a lounge board....I can do that no problem.

Boy would I like to get rid of the advertisers.....slows things down and takes up space (just a pain in the butt)......but somehow this has got to support itself. Maybe a user fee is the answer and remove all the advertisers...I don't know but something has to support it as my little corporate job can't do it.

Anyway, Sorry about the FEDEX cargo thing.....I'll try to figure out what happened.

Mark - Webmaster
Furlough the Moderator

This is the PM I received from Bill Molestar........He did it .......He is the Idiot I was Refering to......He should be Furloughed as a Moderator!

FedEx Bid Move

"Don't sweat the move to the Cargo Board - it's nothing personal against you or FedEx. It's a move to make it more likely to be read by a new-comer.

Those who log onto the board frequently (more than once a day), use the "New Posts" function to scan for updates; they rarely use the categories. Placing your post in another category didn't reduce the number of "regulars" who read it.

When those who are new to the board or who log on infrequently think cargo, they think FedEx (which is a good thing!). They don't know or care about the dollar amount distinctions that make up the various categories.

Again, nothing personal.

I wish you success!"

Public Posting of Private Messages

Just to change the subject slightly....

Could we talk about Private Messaging for just a moment? I always am a bit hesitant about sending somebody a private message for just the above situation. People take these messages occasionally, and up on the board they go. Not that there's any sort of secret back-channel stuff going on, but somethimes when someone wants to say something to you in private rather than posting it for the world to see, it should be kept private- whatever the contents.

I don't know if you're teasing about "Furloughing the Moderator" or not. Your post isn't really that clear. It's obvious that Bill had no information that couldn't be shared with anyone or everyone, but I really do think that whatever is said to somebody in a PM should not be re-posted in a public section of any forum. It just seems like bad form to me.

With that being said, sometimes when somebody wants an answer or a clarification etc. from me, I often can't give the person a complete and candid response that they're looking for because you never know when it's going to be posted in a public place to be used for whatever agenda the recipient may have.

I guess what I'm asking, shouldn't a Private Message remain private between the two individuals?

I think I'm going to start putting a caveat on the bottom of my messages saying that if mine are reposted, it's a Penalty Box offense simply for bad manners.

As always, I welcome your thoughts.

UAL78 and Bill

First of all, nobody should ever take what I say too seriously! I'm sure Bill is not an idiot, and I would never wish furlough on anyone. There was nothing of a personal nature in the PM . It does answer the original question posted by the author of thread. That is why I posted it. I, as many others disagree with his answer. I was hoping Bill would have responded to this thread himself. I apologize to anyone who's feelings I may hurt. Over and Out!

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UAL78 said:
Just to change the subject slightly....

Could we talk about Private Messaging for just a moment?

..., sometimes when somebody wants an answer or a clarification etc. from me, I often can't give the person a complete and candid response that they're looking for because you never know when it's going to be posted in a public place ...

... simply for bad manners.

As always, I welcome your thoughts.


Well, here's my thoughts. Posting PMs on a public forum is bad manners. So is calling the moderator an ugly name. We're gonna take USNFDX behind the woodshed pretty soon and have a come-to-Jesus meetin' with him. Sometimes you have to excuse the Navy types - - something about hot-bunking that just messes 'em up for life. Anyway... :)

FedEx threads have existed peacefully on the Majors board for quite some time. No confusion to newcomers has ever been evident to us. Many, many FedEx threads remained on the Majors board even after the famous Bid thread started getting moved around. Nobody reported the thread to a moderator to complain it was out of place, it was simply the arbitrary decision of a moderator, and no explanation was given.

Do I know all of the above for a fact? No, and I'd be thrilled if someone were to step up to the microphone and explain it some other way.

Five days ago we asked for an explanation. None has been forthcoming. That is, in my opinion, bad manners. And lame. And weak- ... ooops - - now, USNFDX is about to rub off on me.

I don't understand why the Moderator that did the deed couldn't step out and explain his actions. Give us something to work with here. Anything...

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